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The Man Who Turned Water into Light Momosuke Fukuzawa (Shinsuke Ogino), Dynamic Business Manager

The Man Who Turned Water into Light Momosuke Fukuzawa (Shinsuke Ogino), Dynamic Business Manager Dam goods
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A biographical novel featuring Momosuke Fukuzawa, the king of electric power. It is a novel that gives us a hand-on view of Momosuke's life. Because it is a novel, there are some points that may differ from the historical facts due to the direction. However, considering the entertainment value of the novel, it can be easily accepted.

The only thing is that the scene of the wet scene with Sadayakko is depicted, but I have heard some say that she and Sadayakko, who is said to be her lover, were only business partners, so I wonder if that was really the case...I have a little doubt about that. But, well, it is a novel.

Kindle Edition Cover
Kindle Edition Cover

The most exciting part for me personally was of course the scene of the construction of the Oi Dam and the fundraising in the US. Also, the town of Yaotsu in Gifu Prefecture appeared several times, and I can imagine that this scene is in that area. I can imagine that this scene is in that area.

The content conveys that Momosuke is as dynamic a person as I imagined him to be, but it was really nice to read the book and feel Momosuke's every move with his whole body, which is full of humanity. Personally, I wish they would make a historical drama based on this novel.

In the 1950s, the power generation system became "water-first, water-second" but soon changed to "fire-first, water-second". Nuclear power generation emerged, but the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident triggered by the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 ushered in an era in which thermal power generation once again became the main source of electricity.

As the war in Ukraine brings energy issues into the spotlight, nuclear power generation is now the focus of renewed attention. What would Momosuke think and do if he saw this situation? I wonder what Momosuke would think and do if he saw this situation.

The Man Who Turned Water into Light: Momosuke Fukuzawa, a Dynamic Business Manager

Comments from the Publisher


Industrialist of the Meiji and Taisho Periods, known as the "King of Electric PowerMomosuke Fukuzawa(1868~1938). Born the second son of a poor farmer in Saitama, Japan, Momosuke attended Keio University with dreams of becoming rich, and became the daughter-in-law of Yukichi Fukuzawa. He studied abroad in the U.S., got a job at a prestigious company, and everything seemed to be going well until an illness intervened and he was hospitalized for a long time. However, while on his sickbed, he learns how to trade stocks and becomes a wealthy man. With the money he made, he set up his own company, but was betrayed by his father-in-law, Yukichi, and the company folded. However, he grew tired of being a market trader and decided to pursue a real business in the electric power industry. With the help of his younger brother Yasuzaemon Matsunaga and his partner Sada Kawakami, Japan's first world-famous actress, he built the largest dam in the East on the Kiso River.

Momosuke is a man of intuition and sensitivity. He is fond of saying, "Two and two don't always add up to four; sometimes they add up to five and sometimes to zero. He chose hydroelectric power generation as his main business field not only because of its potential, but also because it did not kill any living creatures and only required tormenting the soil and rocks. This book describes Momosuke's life, focusing on his resourcefulness and versatility as an entrepreneur and innovator of rare caliber.

Table of Contents

  • with a lion at one's back
  • speculator
  • betrayal
  • Kabuto-cho no Tobi-Shogun
  • being driven by an ox
  • Nagoya (city)
  • reunion
  • kappa (mythical water-dwelling creature)
  • the mountain people versus the plains people
  • Kiso to Kansai
  • ruffians who act under the pretence of being chivalrous
  • Making the Sun from Water

About the Author

Shinsuke Ogino
Writer specializing in management relations
Born in Saitama Prefecture in 1966. Graduated from Hitotsubashi University, Faculty of Law. Writer and writer, worked at the Intelligence Idea Center, a PR company, and Recruit Works Research Institute, a think tank of Recruit Co. before becoming an independent writer. Writes in the fields of human resources, employment, and management.

Registration Information

Publisher : Nikkei Publishing; New edition (1/25/2022)
Release date : 1/25/2022
Language : Japanese
Book (softcover) : 480 pages
isbn-10 : 4532177170
isbn-13 : 978-4532177171
Dimensions : 18.8 x 12.8 x 2.5 cm

This article was written by.
Shin Jinma

Dam enthusiast who loves Momosuke Fukuzawa / Dampedia and Dam News administrator / Certified Dammeister (01-018) by the Japan Dam Foundation / Started selling discharge caution goods.https://shop.dampedia.com

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