Introduction to Dams

Introduction to Dams

Momosuke Fukuzawa

Reading: Momosuke Fukuzawa (福ざわ桃スケ), a businessman active from the late Meiji period to the early Showa period (1926-1989). He was mainly active in the Japanese electric power industry and was nicknamed the "King of Electric Power in Japan. Momosuke Fukuzawa, formerly known as Momosuke Iwasaki, was born in Arako Village, Yokomi-gun, Musashi Province...
"ta" column or row of the kana syllabary

drinking at a dam

Also known as dam sake, dam sake is an alcoholic beverage that has been submerged in a dam's audit corridor, rim tunnel, or reservoir to mature. The temperature is always kept constant in summer and winter in the audit corridors and rim tunnels, which is considered suitable for aging. ...
"ha" column or row of the kana syllabary

flash board

Read : flashboard Flashboards are used to store water that has flowed into a reservoir...
"ta" column or row of the kana syllabary


The Dam Meister is an organization established by the Japan General Public Corporation for the purpose of informing the general public about the actual status of dams, their roles and responsibilities, and their attractive power...
"ta" column or row of the kana syllabary

Games featuring dams

Read: Damgatoujousuru Game a.k.a. - Games in which dams appear are games in which dams appear, including fictional ones. The following is a list of games that this site is aware of. Dan←Dam (Nintendo DS) Raid the desert town of Soixant...
Introduction to Dams

weir (usu. for irrigation)

Headworks are a series of structures such as water intakes and weirs that are used to intake agricultural water from rivers and streams. A headworks is a structure with a high leve...
"ka" column or row of the kana syllabary

tailings dam

Tailings dams are used to remove tailings (slag) generated during ore dressing and smelting in mines...
"ta" column or row of the kana syllabary

Animated works featuring dams

Read: damgatoujousuru anime sakuhin alias: - Anime works in which dams appear are anime works in which dams appear, including fictional ones. The following is a list of anime works that we are aware of. Pattenrai! 〜Water Stories from the Southern Islands - Nichi...
"a" column or row of the kana syllabary

saddle dam

The saddle dam is a dam lake created by the construction of the main body of the dam....
"a" column or row of the kana syllabary

Extreme Flood Disaster Prevention Operation

Read: Operation for disaster prevention during abnormal floods, also known as emergency discharge, special operation, emergency discharge, and special operation
Introduction to Dams


The hyetograph is a graph showing the amount of rainfall over time. The horizontal axis shows time, and the vertical axis shows rainfall on the vertical axis. This allows us to see the time...
Introduction to Dams


A hydrograph is a graph showing changes in the amount of water flowing into a dam or river and the water level over time. The graph shows time on the horizontal axis and flow rate and water level on the vertical axis. Creating this graph is...
"sa" column or row of the kana syllabary


The stone rubbing method is one of the construction methods mainly used to install rockfill dams and other slopes....
Introduction to Dams


Reading: HARI-ISHIKOU AKA: - Tension masonry is one of the construction methods mainly used for rockfill dams and other slopes, in which larger stones (500-1000 mm in diameter) are laid down and then further smaller stones are filled in between them. It is very fine with no unevenness...
Introduction to Dams

[Urgent Questionnaire] What do spouses or lovers of dam maniacs actually think?

Excuse me, I need your help in filling out a little survey! Please answer carefully, as it may possibly lead to the end of a family relationship or a lover relationship. Please understand that we (et al) will not be held responsible if this happens. ...
Introduction to Dams

unequal arch dam

The arch dam is an arch-type concrete dam with a thickened concrete section on both banks of the embankment. When an arch dam is built in a wide V-shaped valley, the load on both banks of the arch can be too much, so this type of unequal...
Introduction to Dams


A sub-dam is a weir generally installed downstream of a dam to prevent scouring by buffering water falling from the flood discharge. It is a type of damming. In most cases, the height of the embankment does not exceed 15 m. However, if the original dam is large, a secondary dam...
Introduction to Dams

combined dam

Composite dam → Combined dam
"ka" column or row of the kana syllabary

combine dam

A combined dam is a dam that consists of both a concrete dam and a fill dam. The concrete dam is usually installed on the bank with firm ground, and the fill dam is installed on the bank with loose ground...


SWL (Surcharge Water Level) → Surcharge water level
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