Dam in Chubu Region

Dam in Gifu Prefecture

1068-Nishidaira Dam

It took me a little time to find this dam. It would have been easy to find it from the prefectural road side on the right bank, but I photographed it from the national road side on the left bank, and also from a residential road off the national road. / Gravity Concrete / 31.5m
Dam in Gifu Prefecture

1125-Kamiosu Dam/Kamiosu Dam

To reach Kamiosu Dam, get off at the Seki IC of the Tokai-Hokuriku Expressway, drive east on Route 248, and turn left at that intersection after getting off the elevated road. Go north on Prefectural Road No. 17, turn left at the Ohdoro intersection, and continue west on National Road No. 418 toward Kyu-Neo Village, famous for its Usuzumi cherry blossoms. Once in the former Nebo Village, turn right on the first Prefectural Road 255. Follow the road the rest of the way. / Rockfill / 98m
Dam in Gifu Prefecture

1130-Tokuyama Dam

Along with the Kawabegawa Dam in Kyushu, it is one of the dams whose construction is being questioned. When we visited the site, we found that the construction work was progressing surprisingly well, and we could even imagine what the embankment would look like after completion. When completed, it will have the highest total storage capacity in Japan, the third highest embankment height, the second largest embankment volume, and the third largest water area. / Rockfill / 161m
Dam in Aichi Prefecture

0000-hikage dam

It is relatively large for an erosion control dam and is even on the map. The location is difficult to explain. If you are coming from Toyota City, drive east on Route 301, turn right onto the city road leading to Takiwaki around Matsudaira, turn left at the T-junction, turn left at the first street, turn right at another T-junction, and go straight the rest of the way. / Gravity Concrete
Dam in Aichi Prefecture

0000-Meiji Water Headworks

A headworks is a water intake facility for agricultural use, and furthermore, the Meiji Water Headworks is not a "dam" in the strict sense (as defined by the River Law) since its embankment height is 14.5m, but I thought I would include it. / Gravity Concrete / 14.5m
Dam in Aichi Prefecture

0000-Sasado weir

The Sasado weir is an intake weir that leads water to the Sasado Power Plant about 6 to 7 km downstream from here. Therefore, the "Sasado" of Sasado weir seems to have been named after the power plant, not after the place. As proof of this, the area around this weir is called "Kowatari. / Gravity Concrete
Dam in Aichi Prefecture

1204-Umagajo Dam / Aichi, Japan

Looking at the dam handbook, I discovered that there is a municipal dam in Seto City. Moreover, I heard that a certain master could not go there, so I skipped the road I was used to driving and went there, to Magajo Dam. It is also a dam that has a dam version of the Expo 2005 Aichi Japan, and if I were the president of the Expo Association, I would make this the site of the Expo. / Gravity Concrete / 16.6m
Dam in Aichi Prefecture

1242-Iruka Ike / Aichi, Japan

I didn't know there was a dam in a place like this! I was honestly surprised. This dam is located next to "Meiji-mura," which is usually visited by people who grew up in Aichi Prefecture on social tours. Please be assured that you do not need to pay an admission fee to the Meiji-Mura when you visit the dam. / Rockfill / 25.7m
Dam in Aichi Prefecture

0000-hyakketsu dam/duzuki dam

To reach Momotsuki Dam, drive National Route 153 toward Asuke if you are coming from Toyota City, and go straight north on Prefectural Route 11 without crossing the Hirado Bridge. It is not a dam in the narrow sense of the word, as the embankment height is no more than 15 meters. / Gravity Concrete
Dam in Aichi Prefecture

0000-asuri dam

When driving along the upper reaches of the Yahagi River on Prefectural Road 11 from Toyota City, you will see it on your right. The dam (weir) is small in size but has a distinctive red gate. The dam (weir) is equipped with a fish passage, which seems to be environmentally friendly, but it is unknown how many fish actually pass through it. Since the height of the embankment is less than 15 m, it is treated as a weir. / Gravity Concrete
Dam in Aichi Prefecture

3126-Kise Dam

It is a relatively new dam and has basic facilities as it is "open to the community". As a small dam, I personally did not expect much, but it seems to be a good spot to enjoy barbecue parties and fishing. / Gravity Concrete / 33m
Dam in Aichi Prefecture

122-Habu Dam

There is a parking lot, but all of them were full, so we parked at the top end. Come to think of it, this is the only dam where you can park at the top end. The toilet is not available unless you go to the boat ramp, but it may be a bit far away. / Gravity Concrete / 62.5m
Dam in Aichi Prefecture

1223-Hatsutachi-ike Pond

This dam is located near Irago, famous for Toson Shimazaki's "Palm Fruit," and is the final reservoir for the Toyokawa River water supply. The Toyokawa Irrigation Project was initiated to alleviate the chronic shortage of water in the Higashimikawa region. Although the dam is not very large in scale, it plays an important role in alleviating water shortages in the Higashimikawa region. / earth / 22.5m
Dam in Aichi Prefecture

1199-Koshido Dam

The area around the dam is called "Kanpachi Gorge," which used to be a scenic spot famous for its cherry blossoms. However, although there are remnants of the old days, the area is not as bustling as it used to be, and it is deserted. Even cars speeding down the national highway pass through here without a care in the world. At most, people come here to take a walk or go jogging. / Gravity Concrete / 22.8m
Dam in Aichi Prefecture

1230-Tominaga Dam

It is small in scale and is not even shown on maps, so it is a dam that stands quietly and unnoticed. The Kuroda Dam and the Yahagi Dam are conspicuous, making it look like a middle-management window-dweller. / Gravity Concrete / 32.5m
Dam in Aichi Prefecture

1231-Kuroda Dam

If you are coming from the Nagoya area, turn right at the Odaki intersection on Route 153. The dam itself is very large and there are many points of interest, so it is best to take your time. / Gravity Concrete / 45.2m
Dam in Aichi Prefecture

1235-Oshima Dam

I should say that the interaction with the local people was a more valuable experience than the dam itself. When I was covering a dam and taking pictures, people usually looked at me suspiciously because I was not taking pictures in a commemorative way, but I had never been talked to before, so it was a good experience. I had never had anyone talk to me before, so it was a good experience for me. / Gravity Concrete / 69.4m
Dam in Aichi Prefecture

1219-Uren Dam/Uredam

Drive National Route 151 and turn onto Prefectural Route 424. There is a signboard on the way, so you should be fine. The dam itself is a popular tourist attraction because of the nearby "Nyuiwa Gorge," which is famous for its strange rocks and megaliths. / Gravity Concrete / 65m
Nagano Prefecture Dam

1021-Kobushi Dam

The Kosibu Dam is the first arch-type dam in the Chubu region. It has been a long time since the Kurobe Dam, and this was my first visit to a large arch-type dam. However, on this day, maintenance work was being carried out on the gates, so we could not go beyond the center of the top edge... There are 5 crest gates, 2 coaster gates, and 2 conduit gates. / Arch / 105m
Nagano Prefecture Dam

1010-Miwa Dam / Nagano Pref.

The lower right bank was completely dried up and what looked like an incline in the back was not functioning. The real problem is not so much that it has dried up, but rather that the sediment is very bad. / Gravity Concrete / 69.1m
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