"ka" column or row of the kana syllabary

"ka" column or row of the kana syllabary

corridor connecting an annex to a pond-side building (in traditional palatial-style architecture)

An audit corridor is a passageway used to check for damage inside the dam embankment. Normally, it is off-limits to all but authorized personnel. If permission is obtained, visitors may be allowed to take a special tour. However, if the dam is designated as a "dam open to the community," it may be used as a tour course, but in most cases it is a separate passage from the original audit corridor.
"ka" column or row of the kana syllabary

Temporary drainage tunnel

A temporary drainage tunnel is a kind of detour tunnel that is dug from upstream to downstream of a dam site during dam construction to divert overflowing upstream water downstream by damming the river. One of the temporary drainage channels. It is constructed to prevent overflow, to prevent the downstream river from becoming a waterless river, and to keep the construction site dry.
"ka" column or row of the kana syllabary

river law

The River Law is a current administrative law enacted in 1964 for the purpose of preventing floods and other disasters in Japan, maintaining normal functions, maintenance, conservation, and proper use of rivers. The Act defines and classifies rivers, and defines management facilities related to rivers.
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