Dam News

Japan Dam Award 2013 Selection Results Announced

December 30, 2013 The "Japan Dam Awards 2013" were held on December 29 (Sun.) at Culture Culture in Odaiba, Tokyo. The award-nominated dams were first introduced, followed by voting by participants at the venue, and then the winning dams were announced. The following is a list of the award winners...
Dam News

Big event at the end of the year! Japan Dam Awards 2013!

Looking back on this year, it seems like it was a year of many dam events, but the biggest event of the year will be held at the end of the year! And that legendary Dam Night will be held as the "Japan Dam Awards 2013! I can't give you the details, but it's supposed to be a "dam version of the Academy Awards" by dam enthusiasts, so I'm sure that the dam that did well this year or the dam that is the talk of the town will win an award!
Dam in Tottori Prefecture

1683-Momodani Dam

The Momoya Dam is a gravity concrete dam owned by Tottori Prefecture for flood control and unspecified water use. It is also the first dam in Japan to have a free overflow crest, and its large flood discharge protruding from the lake side is very impressive. Normally, this dam does not store much water, but in the event of a flood, this shape seems to have been adopted in order to efficiently channel the water. / Gravity concrete dam / 18m
Dam News

The 3rd Meeting with Dam Lovers in Nakasato Dam & Inabe River Intake Works" will be held this time!

The "3rd Gathering with Dam Lovers" was scheduled to be held on October 26. We are very sorry that we had no choice but to cancel the event due to an approaching typhoon! We have rescheduled the event and will hold it on December 7 (Sat.)! As expected, the typhoon will not be coming in December! What? Snow? We will melt it away with our enthusiasm!
Dam News

The 3rd Gathering with Dam Lovers in Nakasato Dam & Inabe River Intake Works" was held!

The "Gathering with Dam Lovers" has finally come around for the third time! This time, the event will be held at the Nakasato Dam, a key location for water for the Mie River! It is rare to have a tour of an earth dam, but this time we will visit the intake tower and water discharge facilities, which are usually off-limits to visitors, as well as the optional Inabe River intake of the stream intake works (Tyrol II type)!
Dam in Tottori Prefecture

0000-ashizu dam

Ashizu Dam, located on the way to Mitaki Dam, a buttress dam, is a 12.7m high weir that dams up the reverse control basin of the Ashizu Power Plant of Chugoku Electric Power Co. We encountered three hydroelectric power plants on the way to this dam. The abundance of water in the river here must have made it attractive for use in hydroelectric power generation. / Gravity concrete dam / 12.7m
Okayama Prefecture Dam

1877-Kawakami Dam / Okayama Prefecture

Kawakami Dam (Okayama Prefecture) is a somewhat confusing dam with the same name as the dam under construction in Mie Prefecture (as of September 2013) and the dam in Yamaguchi Prefecture. However, this one is a very ordinary agricultural reservoir. The flood discharge is of the free overflow type typical of earth dams. Earth dams are agricultural treasures. / Earth dam / 24m
Nagano Prefecture Dam

1001-Hiraoka Dam

The Hiraoka Dam is currently owned by Chubu Electric Power Company, but was started in 1938 by Tenryu River Power Company, which was later merged with Yahagi Hydro Company. The 16 Chuden red crest gates are a spectacular sight. / Gravity concrete dam / 62.5m
Dam News

with Dam★Night in Nagoya 2013" will be held!

The "with Dam★Night" event has been held in Tokyo and Kyoto, and will be held in Nagoya on November 18, 2013, a memorable day for civil engineering, under the title "with Dam★Night in Nagoya 2013.
Dam News

Dam Curry is now available in Toyone Village

Sunday, September 1, 2013 In Toyone Village, Aichi Prefecture, there is an arch dam under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism called Shin Toyone Dam. There is also a "Sakuma Dam" owned by Power Development Corporation on the border with Shizuoka Prefecture. The Toyone Village Tourism Association, which was commissioned by Toyone Village to create a "Local Specialty Creation Project," aims to revitalize the local community....
Dam News

The 2nd Dam Mania Exhibition, a festival for dam enthusiasts!

It has been two years since the "1st Dam Mania Exhibition" was held in the fall of 2011. As in the previous exhibition, the "2nd Dam Mania Exhibition" will be held at the Kanagawa Prefectural Sagami Lake Exchange Center near the Sagami Dam from July 9 (Tuesday) to July 15 (Monday, national holiday). This year's exhibition is divided into the themes of "See," "Eat," "Listen," and "Buy," and is sure to satisfy not only dam enthusiasts but also the general public with its substantial contents.
Dam News

The 2nd Gathering with Dam Lovers in Uren-Oshima Dam

For those of you who participated in the first event, thank you very much for your patience! We are pleased to announce that the second event connecting dam operators and dam enthusiasts will be held as follows! We are looking forward to your participation!
Dam News

The 1st Gathering with Dam Lovers in Agigawa Dam

We have decided to hold a "Gathering with Dam Lovers" as a place for dam operators and us dam lovers to interact with each other, with the following details. This time, our site operator, Mr. Jimma, will participate as a commentator. We look forward to your participation!
Nagano Prefecture Dam

989-Taiwu Dam/Yasooka Dam

Taifu Dam is a gravity-type concrete dam built in 1935 by Yahagi Hydro Corporation, the successor to Momosuke Fukuzawa's will. The dam is now owned by Chubu Electric Power Co. The dam's curvaceous embankment is so beautiful that it has been selected as one of Japan's Modern Civil Engineering Heritages. The dam was used to supply 50-Hz electricity to eastern Japan in the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake. / Gravity concrete dam / 50m
Dam in Gifu Prefecture

1057-Oi Dam

The Oi Dam is a gravity concrete dam dedicated to power generation, built by Momosuke Fukuzawa, the son-in-law of Yukichi Fukuzawa and founder of Daido Power Company. The dam was built in the Taisho Era (1912-1926), giving it a sense of Taisho Romanticism. The dam lake formed by the Oi Dam on the Kiso River has since become a tourist attraction in the Tokai region as "Ena Gorge. / Gravity concrete dam / 53.4m
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