Shin Jinma

Dam News

6/3 with Dam★Night at Kyoto Station

2012年5月29日(火)世界のダム技術者のサミット「国際大ダム会議(ICOLD)」の京都会議が京都国際会館にて平成24年6月2日~6月8日に開催されるのに合わせ、ダム工学会が広く一般の方々にもダムの魅力を体感してもらおうと「with Da...
Dam News

The photo book "Dam" is now available in paperback size!

Dam News

The Dam Card Compendium" to go on sale!

Dam News

Otsuro Dam begins test discharge

Dam News

Test discharge at Ohara Dam

Dam News

Doboku Cafe with Dam☆Night in Kansai" will be held on December 8!

2011年11月25日(金)12月8日(木)に京都大学にて、社団法人土木学会関西支部FCC(フォーラム・シビル・コスモス)によるイベントとして「どぼくカフェ with Dam Night in Kansai!」が開催される。ダムプロ界からは...
Dam News

Sagami Lake Dam Festa "The 1st Dam Mania Exhibition"!

This November will be an unforgettable month for dam enthusiasts. The Sagami Lake Dam Festa "The 1st Dam Mania Exhibition" will be held at the Kanagawa Prefectural Sagami Lake Exchange Center near the Sagami Dam from November 19 (Sat.) to 25 (Fri.). (Please note that the museum will be closed on November 21.)
Introduction to Dams

[Urgent Questionnaire] What do spouses or lovers of dam maniacs actually think?

Excuse me, I would like to ask you to fill out a little survey! Please answer carefully, as it may possibly lead to the end of a family relationship or a lover relationship. Please understand that we (et al) will not be held responsible if this happens. This...
Introduction to Dams

unequal arch dam

Read: Hutoatsu Arch Dam Alias: - An unequal thickness arch dam is an arch-type concrete dam with thickened concrete sections on both banks of the embankment. When an arch dam is built in a wide V-shaped valley, the load on both banks of the arch may be too much...
Tokushima Prefecture Dam

2130-Ikeda Dam

The Ikeda Dam, along with the Hayamoura Dam and other dams, is the "cornerstone" of Shikoku's flood control and water utilization. It is an all-purpose dam that provides not only irrigation, flood control, water supply, industrial water, and river maintenance, but also power generation. / Gravity concrete dam / 24m
Introduction to Dams


A sub-dam is a weir generally installed downstream of a dam to buffer water falling from a flood discharge and prevent scouring. It is a type of damming. In most cases, the height of the embankment does not exceed 15 m, but if the original dam is large, the sub-dam may also be large...
Dam in Kagawa Prefecture

2177-Gogo Dam

Gogo Dam is a gravity concrete dam constructed on the Maeda River in the Quaoda River system for the purpose of flood control and irrigation. It is located very close to the Toyotoshi Pond Dam, and I actually visited there right after the Toyotoshi Pond Dam. / Gravity Concrete Dam / 50.5m
Introduction to Dams

combined dam

Composite dam → Combined dam
"ka" column or row of the kana syllabary

combine dam

A combined dam is a dam that consists of both a concrete dam and a fill dam. The concrete dam is usually installed on the hard bank and the fill dam on the loose bank....
Dam in Kagawa Prefecture

3048-Honenike Dam

Toyotoshi Pond Dam is an old-fashioned masonry dam completed in 1930 in Kagawa Prefecture. It is an unusual multiple-arch dam with a series of five arches. It is a wonderful and breathtakingly beautiful embankment. / multiple arch dam / 30.4m


SWL (Surcharge Water Level) → Surcharge water level


NWL (Normal Water Level) → Always full water level

light-water reactor

LWL (Low Water Level) → Lowest water level


DWL (Design Water Level) → Design flood level
Dam News

Today, the Onui Dam speaks!

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