Nagano Prefecture Dam

Nagano Prefecture Dam

3280-Minamiaki Dam

Interview Date: 08/17/2014 (Sun)We came here after visiting Kurobe Dam and Utsukushi-ga-hara Highland Museum of Art in Toyama on a 2-day/1-night family trip to Namisaki Dam. The white limestone riprap looks like a chalk castle, and it is more beautiful than it sounds. The Namisaki Dam is a pumped storage power...
Nagano Prefecture Dam

0992-Tokiwa Dam (also known as Oshima Dam)

Interview Date: 10/6/2013 (Sun)On this day, I was touring the dams along the Kiso River to take dam photos for the presentation and exhibition of the with DAM NIGHT in Nagoya, when I suddenly remembered there was a dam I had not seen yet, so I came...
Nagano Prefecture Dam

0990-Iwakura Dam

The day after the "1st Gathering with Dam Lovers in Agigawa Dam" was held, I was going to visit the Shin-Toyone Dam, but I remembered that there was a dam near the Shin-Toyone Dam that I had not visited yet, so I decided to visit the Iwakura Dam in a hurry. I remembered that there was a dam near the Shin-Toyone Dam that I had not visited yet, so I decided to go there in a hurry.
Nagano Prefecture Dam

1001-Hiraoka Dam

The Hiraoka Dam is currently owned by Chubu Electric Power Company, but was started in 1938 by Tenryu River Power Company, which was later merged with Yahagi Hydro Company. The 16 Chuden red crest gates are a spectacular sight. / Gravity concrete dam / 62.5m
Nagano Prefecture Dam

989-Taiwu Dam/Yasooka Dam

Taifu Dam is a gravity-type concrete dam built in 1935 by Yahagi Hydro Corporation, the successor to Momosuke Fukuzawa's will. The dam is now owned by Chubu Electric Power Co. The dam's curvaceous embankment is so beautiful that it has been selected as one of Japan's Modern Civil Engineering Heritages. The dam was used to supply 50-Hz electricity to eastern Japan in the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake. / Gravity concrete dam / 50m
Nagano Prefecture Dam

1012-reading dam/reading kadamu

Yomikakidam is a gravity-fed concrete dam dedicated to power generation owned by Kansai Electric Power Co. Water is taken from this dam and is then piped downstream to the Yomikakidamu Power Station. Originally, the dam was associated with Momosuke Fukuzawa, the king of electric power during the Daido Power Company era, and the power station's main building, Kakinokishimizuji Bridge, and Momosuke Bridge have been designated as national important cultural properties. / Gravity concrete dam / 32.1m
Nagano Prefecture Dam

1030-Narai Dam

This Nagano Prefecture-owned multi-purpose dam is located near Naraijuku on the Kiso Road in Shinshu. Until now, visitors from Nagoya had to exit at the Nakatsugawa Interchange on the Chuo Expressway and drive north on Route 19 or exit at the Shiojiri Interchange and drive south, but with the opening of the Gonpei Tunnel, it is now possible to exit at the Ina Interchange. / Rockfill dam / 60m
Nagano Prefecture Dam

1021-Kobushi Dam

The Kosibu Dam is the first arch-type dam in the Chubu region. It has been a long time since the Kurobe Dam, and this was my first visit to a large arch-type dam. However, on this day, maintenance work was being carried out on the gates, so we could not go beyond the center of the top edge... There are 5 crest gates, 2 coaster gates, and 2 conduit gates. / Arch / 105m
Nagano Prefecture Dam

1010-Miwa Dam / Nagano Pref.

The lower right bank was completely dried up and what looked like an incline in the back was not functioning. The real problem is not so much that it has dried up, but rather that the sediment is very bad. / Gravity Concrete / 69.1m
Nagano Prefecture Dam

1024-Matsugawa Dam

The composting problem unique to the Tenryu River system is also present in this Matsukawa Dam. Currently, the Matsukawa Dam redevelopment project is underway. There were signs about it here and there along the road leading to the Matsukawa Dam. / Gravity Concrete / 84.3m
Nagano Prefecture Dam

1017-Susohana Dam

The season is February. It was the middle of winter. Although this is my favorite winter dam, there were avalanches here and there on the road, and the dam site and top edge were completely frozen, creating a dangerous atmosphere. Three radial gates can be seen in the crest section. / Arch / 83m
Nagano Prefecture Dam

1003-Odagiri Dam

After visiting the Susohana Dam, we paid a visit to Zenkoji Temple, and on the way back, we took Route 19 along the Saigawa River to visit the dams along the Saigawa River! I planned to visit the dams along the Saigawa River on my way back to Zenkoji Temple. The plan worked, and we headed south upstream from here. / Gravity Concrete / 21.3m
Nagano Prefecture Dam

0993-Mizunai Dam/Minochi Dam

It is characterized by gates that line the entire width of the river. The dam has a long history and was completed before the end of the Pacific War. It is still in service more than half a century later! / Gravity Concrete / 25.3m
Nagano Prefecture Dam

1008-Taira Dam

A dam dedicated to power generation along Route 19. It was not on the map, but can be easily found because it is along Route 19. There are 5 roller gates. / Gravity concrete / 19.5m
Nagano Prefecture Dam

1014-Ikusaka Dam

This is the setting of the Ikusaka Dam Murder Case. There is a true story about this dam that could be made into a story in the "Suspense Story" series. / Gravity Concrete / 19.5m
Nagano Prefecture Dam

1011-Takato Dam

The ruins of Takato Castle are famous for its cherry blossoms. In fact, it is also famous for its autumn foliage. The Takato Dam is located in the vicinity of the ruins of Takato Castle. It is a small dam, so you might miss it. / Gravity Concrete / 30.9m
Nagano Prefecture Dam

1035-Miso River Dam

Since it is upstream of the Kiso River, it was named "Miso River" because it "has not yet become the Soso River," or "has not yet become the Kiso River. / Rockfill / 140m
Nagano Prefecture Dam

1018-Nagawa Watershed Dam

As expected of the eldest, he is the largest of the three brothers. Directly below is the Ajimu Power Plant. If you participate in the tour, you will not only be able to see the dike from directly below, but you can also tour the inside of the power plant. / Arch / 155m
Nagano Prefecture Dam

1022-Mizudono Dam

I knew it had to be this one! I realized the size of the arch dam. The arch dam is very beautiful against the snow. Incidentally, there is a power generation facility just below the embankment. The remains of the dam construction can be seen on the left bank. / Arch / 95.5m
Nagano Prefecture Dam

1019-Inekoki Dam

This dam is the youngest of the three Azusa River brothers (or the three Azumi brothers?). The youngest of the three Azusa River brothers (Azumi three brothers?). The youngest is selfish, and its embankment is off-limits. The Inakaku Dam is the lower dam, while the Mizudono and Nagawa Watershed Dams upstream are used for pumped storage and power generation. / Arch / 60m
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