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Hydraulics.com" now on sale!

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Saturday, December 8, 2012

This website specializes in hydroelectric power generation and is highly supported by the media, who use it as a reference for news articles.Hydro.comHisa (Hisanori Akune), who runs the "Hisa" (Hisanori Akune), has finally released a book.

The title of the book is aptly titledHydro.com".

The contents begin with a photogravure of a hydroelectric power plant and are condensed into one volume, including basic knowledge, mechanism, and history of hydroelectric power generation.

Now that the Great East Japan Earthquake has prompted a search for alternative energy sources to nuclear power, it is time to take a fresh look at hydraulic power, a purely domestic energy source. This book, published under such circumstances, is sure to renew our appreciation of the appeal of hydraulic power.

The following is taken from the publisher's information.

Civil Engineering Entertainment Vol. 2! Learn about the world of hydroelectric power plants through gravure.

This is the second volume of civil engineering entertainment following the popular "Dam Mania"! You can learn the basics of hydroelectric power generation while enjoying the beauty of the gigantic formations of hydroelectric power plants through photogravures. Hydroelectric power generation is an ecological, clean, and simple power generation method that has supported Japan's electricity supply from the Meiji era to the present. You will be fascinated by the world of hydroelectric power generation if you learn the surprising mechanisms and history of hydroelectric power generation. The author is the manager of "Hydro.com," a popular website that explores hydroelectric power plants. This is a long-awaited new book.

Recommended for
Those who like huge structures such as dams and junctions.
The generation that feels romance in Kurobe Dam
Engineers in the fields of rivers, dams, water conservancy, and electric power

Main Contents

Gravure 1: A powerful sight! Large-scale hydroelectric power plant
Gravure 2 Small... Hydroelectric power plant in a mountain village
Gravure 3 Still going strong! Retro Hydroelectric Power Plant
Gravure 4 Assisted power generation! Dam and intake weir for hydropower generation

Part 1 What is Hydroelectric Power?
Part2 How Hydroelectric Power Plants Work
Part3 To collect water efficiently
Part 4: History of Hydroelectric Power Generation
Part5 Hydroelectric power plants by water system
Part6 How to know about hydroelectric power plants
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Detailed Table of Contents

Gravure 1: A powerful sight! Large-scale hydroelectric power plant
Taifu Power Station / Oku-Seizu Power Station / Oku-Tadami Power Station / Shinanogawa Power Station
Gravure 2 Small... Hydroelectric power plant in a mountain village
Kami Power Station / Tateyama Power Station / Iwaizumi No.2 Power Station / Samegawa Power Station / Namurakawa Power Station / Kawai Power Station / Kiyosawa Power Station / Shima Power Station
Gravure 3 Still going strong! Retro Hydroelectric Power Plant
Ootogawa Power Station / Yomiuri Power Station / Fukuoka Daiichi Power Station / Okawara Power Station
Gravure 4 Assisted power generation! Dam and intake weir for hydropower generation
Okura Dam (Okura Power Station) / Kurobe Dam (Kurobe River No. 4 Power Station) / Arimine Dam (Wadagawa No. 1 Power Station - Wadagawa No. 2 Power Station - Makawa Power Station)
(Okubo Dam - Arimine No. 1 Power Station) / Okubo Dam (Okubo Power Station)

Part 1 What is Hydroelectric Power?
What is Hydroelectric Power? Types of Hydroelectric Power Plants
Part2 How Hydroelectric Power Plants Work
Three areas / Water intake facility and its surroundings / Water conduction facility and its surroundings / Building and its surroundings
Part3 To collect water efficiently
earth dam(earth-fill dam)/rock-fill dam/concrete dam/gates on dam
Part 4: History of Hydroelectric Power Generation
Hydroelectric power generation in its early days / The era of turbulence among hydroelectric power companies / Hydroelectric power generation during the war / Postwar unification of electric power and hydroelectric power generation / History of major new technologies related to hydroelectric power generation
Part5 Hydroelectric power plants by water system
Joganji River System/Oi River System
Part6 How to know about hydroelectric power plants

This article was written by.
Shin Jinma

Dam enthusiast who loves Momosuke Fukuzawa / Dampedia and Dam News administrator / Certified Dammeister (01-018) by the Japan Dam Foundation / Started selling discharge caution goods.https://shop.dampedia.com

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