Dam News

Aim for adoption! Iwaya Dam Karuta" is now accepting applications!

Aim for adoption! Iwaya Dam Karuta" is now accepting applications! Dam News
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The Iwaya Dam of the Japan Water Agency was closed in 2020.Season for Familiarization with Forests and LakesAs an event of the "Iwaya Dam Karuta" project, the "Iwaya Dam Karuta" will be created. Prior to the event, we are currently accepting ideas for the text of the karuta.

Aichi Prefecture is expected to request voluntary restraint in traveling outside the prefecture due to the declaration of its own state of emergency in preparation for the second wave of the new coronavirus, but during the Bon vacation when you cannot go out, why not think of a sentence for Iwaya Dam karuta for the whole family and enter it?

Of course, anyone can apply, even if you do not live in the water source or beneficiary area. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity and apply for employment.

The following is reprinted from a PDF file posted on the website of the Iwaya Dam Management Office (partially processed on this site).

Notice of Application for "Iwaya Dam Karuta" during the 2020 Season for Familiarization with Forests and Lakes

Iwaya Dam will create "Iwaya Dam karuta" as a seasonal event for familiarization with forests and lakes in 2020. We are soliciting the following drafts of "karuta" style sentences to be used for this event.

number of characters

There are no restrictions, but please be concise. (Not willow).

Application period

From July 1, 2020 (Wed) to August 17, 2020 (Mon)

Application Details

  • Anything related to the Iwaya Dam (dam and reservoir, facilities and functions, flood prevention and water supply, etc.)
  • Items related to Gero City (history, culture, famous places, nature, etc.)
and" Mizugame Iwaya Dam, Tokai, Japan

Application Examples
Tokai Mizugame Iwaya Dam

How to apply

You can submit your entry by e-mail or twitter. One person may submit as many entries as they wish within the application period. Similar entries will be selected on a first-come, first-served basis.


winning a prize or place (in a contest)

The "selected works" will be chosen from among the entries for each letter. Applicants will receive a certificate of merit. In addition, one "Grand Prize" entry will be selected from among the selected entries. The winning entry will be notified by e-mail or direct mail. The best entry will be presented with a prize.

Use of Artwork

All entries may be used free of charge without notice to the entrant for Iwaya Dam management operations and various activities related to water source area revitalization, including publication on the Iwaya Dam website.

Iwaya Dam Home Page


Iwaya Dam Karuta" Application Announcement PDF


This article was written by.
Shin Jinma

Dam enthusiast who loves Momosuke Fukuzawa / Dampedia and Dam News administrator / Certified Dammeister (01-018) by the Japan Dam Foundation / Started selling discharge caution goods.https://shop.dampedia.com

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