Dam in Ishikawa Prefecture

0913-Dainichigawa Dam / Ishikawa, Japan

0913-Dainichigawa Dam / Ishikawa, Japan Dam in Ishikawa Prefecture
This article can be read in about 5 minutes to read.

Date of interview: Monday, 7/29/2023

After visiting the Managawa, Sasagawa, and Kumogawa dams for the Forest and Lake Friendship Seasonal Event, we took advantage of the free time we had before leaving to travel to Ishikawa Prefecture to visit the Akase Dam, followed by a visit to the Dainichigawa Dam. This would be the last dam of the day.

First, visit from the left bank.

We moved from Akase Dam, where Prefectural Road 109 is quite narrow and full of unexplored places, and we arrived at a hand-carved tunnel that suddenly appeared, a fairy-tale building on a former ski resort site, and a village that suddenly appeared, all of which surprised us from start to finish. As you can see, there are toilets at the dam site.

Tunnel, restroom, discharge warning sign and water use sign
Tunnel, restroom, discharge warning sign and water use sign

When you arrive at the dam site, you can suddenly see the downstream face of the embankment on your left. Incidentally, there was a path on the way to the downstream side of the dam, but it was marked as off-limits, so we gave up 💦.

Looking downstream from the left bank
Looking downstream from the left bank

The top end is served by Prefectural Road 44, which is open to automobile traffic.

View of the top edge from the left bank
View of the top edge from the left bank

A well-stocked sign. At a quick glance, the sign on the right looks older, but the left one mentions Torigoe, Oguchi, and Shiramine villages before they were merged into Hakusan City, and the right one, which mentions Hakusan City, is actually newer.

Dainichigawa Dam Area Guide Map" and "Guide to Dainichigawa Dam" and Dainichigawa Dam Stone Monument

This is a view of the upstream side of the embankment from the left bank. Although this is a prefectural dam, it has various facilities and is a bit luxurious.

Looking upstream from the left bank
Looking upstream from the left bank

In front of the upstream face is the crest gate, and behind it is the water intake facility. On the downstream side is the elevator tower. Both the water intake facility and the elevator tower have a slightly different design.

View of the upstream face of the embankment from the left bank (zoomed in)
View of the upstream face of the embankment from the left bank (zoomed in)

Incidentally, Crestgate has three radial gates and the specifications are as follows

Net Diameter x Vertical Height7.000x6.086m
Opening and closing speed0.3m/min
door weight9.400t
Date of manufactureJune 1967
productionOshima Kogyo Co.

At the time of our visit, the water intake facility was under construction and a temporary structure had been set up on the left bank.

temporary building frame
temporary building frame

At the Dainichigawa Dam, dam cards are distributed, but unfortunately time was running out.

Dainichigawa Dam Management Office
Dainichigawa Dam Management Office

To the top

View of the elevator tower from the top. It is a very strange design. The second floor, where the elevator machine room is supposed to be located, has a round window, like a small boy with one eye. The color of the tower is light green, just as the control center was light blue.

Look at the top edge
Look at the top edge

The dam lake at dusk.

View of the reservoir from the top
View of the reservoir from the top

It says "Gentleness to the greenery and water, Ohigawa Dam." Why did they write it in the same color 💦 Incidentally, the water level at this time was EL323.3m. Also, the Dainichigawa Damsurcharge water level(the highest water level during flooding) is 330.6 meters and the flood stage limit is 324.7 meters.

View of the water intake system from the top
View of the water intake system from the top

I don't have detailed specs, but it looks like a multi-stage surface intake system. This one is designed to look somewhat like a robot head.

Harpoon the top of the water intake facility.
Harpoon the top of the water intake facility.

Wires can be seen suspended.

Inside the water intake system
Inside the water intake system

Go to the right bank.

These boats are used to collect driftwood and trash from the reservoir.

boat collecting volcanic ash
boat collecting volcanic ash

It may be a little hard to see, but a family of monkeys came to visit the dam.


There was also a baby monkey. Cute.

Monkey! Monkey!
Monkey! Monkey!

There is actually an observation deck at the back of the mountain, but unfortunately it was off-limits due to the danger of collapse.

Looking downstream from the right bank
Looking downstream from the right bank

We are looking just to the west, but the sun is hidden by the mountains and the area is getting completely dark.

View of the top edge from the right bank
View of the top edge from the right bank

To the top again

As seen in the photo from the right bank, you can see a brown pipe extending from downstream of the embankment into the forest. This is a hydraulic iron pipe for hydroelectric power generation, through which water taken from the intake tower is used to generate electricity at the Dainichi River No. 1 Power Plant located downstream.

View of the hydraulic pipe from the top edge
View of the hydraulic pipe from the top edge

In addition, water used at the Dainichigawa No. 1 Power Plant is used at the Kamikoshimizu Power Plant, and then taken at the Torigoe Dam, an intake weir, and used at the Dainichigawa No. 2 Power Plant located beyond the pass.

The shaft of the radial gate is in the way. Beyond the reduction works, the river seems to be left to nature, and although it is difficult to tell the flow path, the river flows toward the left.

Looking downstream from the top
Looking downstream from the top

To the left bank again.

The lens is attached to the wire mesh fence. In the back is a valve chamber and hydraulic pipe for power generation, the large hole in the foreground is a Howell Bunger valve used for irrigation and flood control, and downstream of that is a discharge facility for river maintenance, which appears to be spewing water.

View of facilities on the downstream face of the dike from the left bank

As written in the Akase Dam page, the Dainichigawa Dam was in more trouble than the Akase Dam when it was built, but today it is a dam that is relied upon for flood control, irrigation, and power generation deep in the mountains of Hakusan City.

Dainichigawa Dam Specifications

LocationAde, Hakusan City, Ishikawa Prefecture
River NameDainichi River, Tedori River System
ObjectiveF (flood control, agricultural disaster prevention)
A (irrigation water)
P(Power generation)
ModelG(gravity-fed concrete dam)
Bank height59.9m
Bank length238m
Dam volume309,000 m3
Watershed Area83.9k㎡ (Direct: 56.5k㎡, Indirect: 27.4k㎡)
Reservoir area132ha
Total storage capacity27,200,000 m3
Effective water storage capacity23,900,000 m3
Dam operatorIshikawa prefecture (Hokuriku area)
Main body constructorKajima Construction
Year of launch1952
Year Completed1967.
Name of Dam LakeLake Dainichiko

Other facilities/observations

Parking lot
PR Exhibition Hall×
Fishing○○ (excluding no-take zones)
Viewing platform×

Map around Dainichigawa Dam

Weather around Dainichigawa Dam

Accommodations that may be close to Dainichigawa Dam

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This article was written by.
Shin Jinma

Dam enthusiast who loves Momosuke Fukuzawa / Dampedia and Dam News administrator / Certified Dammeister (01-018) by the Japan Dam Foundation / Started selling discharge caution goods.https://shop.dampedia.com

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