"ha" column or row of the kana syllabary

flash board

flash board "ha" column or row of the kana syllabary
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Read : Furusyu Bodhi
Also known as kekshaban, kekshaban, kakushaban, kakushaban, kakushaban (sometimes written in hiragana because the "sha" is difficult to read), ryukai gate.
English: flashboard

Flushboards are small gates used to channel driftwood, debris, and other floating debris from the top of the gate downstream from the reservoir. It may be installed on top of the flood discharge gate, or it may be installed alone.

There are several ways to write 寫寫板, 欠寫寫板, 決瀉板, 欠瀉瀉板, and so on, even though the readings are the same. The Chinese characters "決" and "寫" mean "overflowing" and "pouring out," respectively, and "瀉" also means "to flow out" or "to spit out," and it is thought that these characters were used for this purpose. The character for "欠" (欠) may have been used because it gives the image of a missing part of a gate.

Since laws and the environment have changed and driftwood and trash can no longer be discharged downstream, there are few cases of their use today.

Flashboard of Tainai No. 2 Dam

Notch-like area at the top of the roller gate.

Flashboard of Tainai No. 2 Dam
Flashboard of Tainai No. 2 Dam

Kurose Dam flash board

Upper part of the radial gate on the left side facing you.

Kurose Dam flash board
Kurose Dam flash board

Flashboard of Komino Dam

The top of the radial gate in the center of the photo (third from the left as you face it).

Flashboard of Komino Dam
Flashboard of Komino Dam

Flash board at Shinaki Dam

A hydraulic cylinder flush board is attached to the top of the girder structure roller gate on the right bank side.

Flash board at Shinaki Dam
Flash board at Shinaki Dam
This article was written by.
Shin Jinma

Dam enthusiast who loves Momosuke Fukuzawa / Dampedia and Dam News administrator / Certified Dammeister (01-018) by the Japan Dam Foundation / Started selling discharge caution goods.https://shop.dampedia.com

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