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We toured the dam while participating in a stamp rally to receive Momosuke chopsticks.

We toured the dam while participating in a stamp rally to receive Momosuke chopsticks. Dam log
This article can be read in about 9 minutes to read.

I think many of you went away for the four-day weekend in September, taking advantage of the GoTo campaign.I picked up a stray cat.I tried to stay home as much as possible because of this, but I went out based on this news that if I avoided the three densities and made sure to wear a mask and apply alcohol, I would be fine.

Let's get to know Momosuke Fukuzawa, the "King of Electricity"! Events at the Memorial Hall in Nagiso and in Nagoya: Chunichi Shimbun Web
The Momosuke Fukuzawa Memorial Museum in Yomiuri, Minami-Kiso Town, Nagoya City, aims to introduce visitors to Momosuke Fukuzawa (1868-1938), a businessman known as the "King of Electric Power...

As I have long been a great admirer of Momosuke Fukuzawa, there was no way for me not to get a pair of "Momosuke chopsticks. Since it would be a bit more artistic than just visiting the Momosuke Fukuzawa Memorial Museum, I decided to visit a nearby dam.

Monday, September 21, 2020

1st unit: New reservoir

This was my first visit here.

Second unit: Ochiai Dam

I did not know that the Ochiai Dam is accessible at the top end and always ended up taking pictures from the bridge downstream, but when I learned that I could approach from the shrine on the left bank, I crossed the top end for the first time. I was also able to get a good look at the upstream side.

3rd unit: Hananoko reservoir sub-bank

I have known about this place for a while, but this will be my first visit.

Unit 4: Hananoko reservoir

Naturally, this is my first time here too.

Unit 5: Yamaguchi Dam

Momosuke Fukuzawa Memorial Hall

Pay the admission fee to the receptionist and ask about Momosuke Chopsticks. At first, the receptionist looked a little doubtful, "What are you talking about? But when I explained that I came here after reading an article in the Chunichi Shimbun and wanted Momosuke chopsticks, he seemed to understand. I wanted Momosuke chopsticks," and he seemed to understand.

Stamp forms were available on a shelf just inside the entrance, and visitors were asked to stamp the one in the frame of the memorial museum and then stamp the one at the Futaba Museum of Culture.

But there was no way I would have realized at this time that this explanation was wrong or insufficient at this time...

Anyway, the museum was always closed for the winter when I visited, so I thought I could finally take a look inside and soak in the Taisho roman atmosphere while clicking the shutter.

bridge designed to be underwater during a flood

In addition to the memorial hall, the Momosuke Bridge will also be properly visited.

Now that we have accomplished our main goal for this trip, we will continue our tour of dams.

Unit 6: Reading Dam

Seventh: Kiso Dam

I was always forced to look at both the right and left banks, but for the first time I looked at the downstream face from the canal bridge.

Lunch: Misogawa Dam Curry

Unit 8: Yokogawa Dam

Unit 9: Minowa Dam

The sun had completely set at the Minowa Dam, so we ended our tour of dams for the day. The next day, we decided to visit the Futaba Museum of Culture.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

And the next day. We go to the Futaba Museum of Cultural Pathways. To prevent new coronavirus infection, I decided to go there by private car instead of public transportation. Incidentally, there is a parking lot adjacent to the north side of the Futabakan Museum of Cultural Heritage, and it is free for up to 30 minutes and 300 yen per visit.

Bunka no Michi Futabokan

It has been a long time since I visited Futabakan as well; I guess it had been 9 years. While taking a picture of the exterior, I went inside and paid the admission fee of 200 yen (for adults) and asked about Momosuke chopsticks.

We give you a notepad here."

I honestly could not believe my ears. It seems that the gifts you get are different depending on the order in which you go around the museum. The staff at the museum never said anything about this, and there was no mention of it on the stamp form. Furthermore, it seems that the Futaba Museum does not have Momosuke chopsticks, so there was nothing I could do about it.

After all.Notebook if you visit in the order of Memorial Museum → Futaba Museum.butMomosuke Chopsticks when touring in the order of Futabakan -> Memorial Hall.They were told that they would receive a

However, the Chunichi Shimbun article I mentioned at the beginning of this article said this.

Visitors who collect and submit their stamps will receive "Momosuke chopsticks" made of local cypress at the Memorial Hall and a notepad at the Futabakan.

Chunichi Shimbun, "Let's learn about Momosuke Fukuzawa, the 'King of Electric Power': Events at the Memorial Museum in Nagiso and in Nagoya" (August 16, 2020, 05:00 PM)

I had to read the air from this sentence. If I had read it correctly, I would have naturally decided which way to go first, since there are only two places to go.

More shocking revelations

Furthermore, as I was writing this article, I was looking at photos of the memorial hall, and at the entrance, there is one photo in which chopsticks that look like Momosuke chopsticks are placed along with a POP saying "New! Momosuke Chopsticks" and a pair of chopsticks that look like Momosuke chopsticks are placed at the entrance of the museum.

I'll zoom in on the red frame area.


One set is 300 yen, and two sets are 500 yen. Who was I to go all the way to the Futaba Museum of Culture to stamp it?

Incidentally, the admission fee to the Momosuke Fukuzawa Memorial Museum is 500 yen, and the Futabakan is 200 yen (plus 300 yen since the parking fee also took more than 30 minutes), so it is cheaper to buy than to participate in the stamp rally 😂.

...So I decided to visit the Momosuke Fukuzawa Memorial Museum again on my day off. I would like to stamp and charge for it and buy all the chopsticks (lie).

This article was written by.
Shin Jinma

Dam enthusiast who loves Momosuke Fukuzawa / Dampedia and Dam News administrator / Certified Dammeister (01-018) by the Japan Dam Foundation / Started selling discharge caution goods.https://shop.dampedia.com

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