Off-line meeting/event report

Tono Dam Festival 2017 Report

Off-line meeting/event report
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I was asked to give a talk as a dammeister at an event held at Tono Dam in Tottori Prefecture.

Since the Meishin Expressway was partially closed due to refurbishment work, I picked up a fellow dam enthusiast in Shiga on the way from Aichi, and we came here not via the Chugoku Expressway, but almost exclusively by taking the Kyoto Longitudinal Expressway, Ayabe-Miyazu Expressway, R312, and R178 down the road.

Since we were on the Sanin Expressway route, we also saw the Buyeo Bridge.

The sky is turning white and looking good. # Yohei # Yohei # Yohei bridge

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I originally wanted to visit the bridge when it was a steel bridge, but I did not have a chance to visit it and finally had this opportunity to do so. Although the Yobe Bridge has its negative aspects, it is a nice place and I would like to revisit it again if I have the chance.

We also visited the Tottori Sand Dunes in the early morning. Tottori had been visited only once during the test discharge of the Tono Dam, but this was the first time I had only been to the dam on a day trip and saw the dunes.

Nice to meet you! Mr. Sand Dune! # Tottori Sand Dunes # Sand Dunes # Tottori

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And the Momoya Dam.

Beautiful lamentation designed by our own Tojiro SanoweirThe following is a list of the most common problems with the

Breakfast was at Sunaba Coffee in front of Tottori Station.

# coffee # coffee cup cute. # coffee # coffee #coffee

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So, here we are at Tono Dam.

Good evening, Your Highness! It's been a while! # Tono Dam # Tono Dam Festival # Dam #dam

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Since I had been running all night, I took a nap in the parking lot of Tono Dam for about an hour after arriving at Tono Dam, but I was sleeping pretty hard and it might have been ugly. Because I was sleepy.

When I woke up, other dam enthusiasts had arrived and preparations for the event were steadily underway.

My brain is not working because I woke up from sleep, but I greet the people in charge and help them prepare the slides.

However, a problem was discovered during operation testing. The slides included videos of test discharge from various dams, but the videos did not play properly and only the audio played!

We had sent the data in advance, but we made the mistake of not having them check to see if the video would play on a local computer.

On the day of the event, only still images and audio were available to visitors.

Since PowerPoint had a function to make videos of slides, I made videos of all the slides and uploaded them to YouTube. The video sometimes behaves a little oddly when switching slides, but I think the test discharge video can be seen properly.

I finished my presentation on time, which was unusual for me. However, the part that was supposed to bring laughter was a complete disaster, and in addition, the video did not play.... I think I could hear some lost laughter at the video part....

There is no use in feeling sorry for myself forever, so I will use this as a reminder for next time.

I have finished my own work and will continue to participate in an exploration of the inside of the Tono Dam. When I went outside, the place was crowded with many people. I had planned to have Tono Dam Curry or Togo Dam Curry for lunch, but unfortunately, they were sold out and I missed out.

We moved the car to the top end and first received an explanation at the top end. The explanation is given not by a MLIT dam official but by a volunteer.

Descending the audit corridor. The stairway was rather high, and my muscles were sore the next day. Incidentally, the sun was so strong that I got sunburned, and the skin on my arms is beginning to peel as I write this article.

The steps became lower and lower as one descended, and finally became like a slope. Such a staircase seems to be rare for a dam. When you reach the bottom, you will see a stone monument that looks like a cornerstone.

From the bottom of the dam, you will reach the ground on the downstream side. Then, the cascade type conduit, the most distinctive feature of Tono Dam, is right in front of you like this! This is it! This is what I wanted to see! It had been over 6 years since I had seen this dam.

In the presentation slides, the molding is introduced as a magnificent rip rap, but as expected, after 6 years, the grass has grown quite a bit.... But well, it was very nice to see it from directly below like this.

It then returns to the top again by an incline installed on the right bank. The video below was taken at that time.

This was the first time for such an event to be held at the Tono Dam, and despite some troubles, the event was a great success with a full house of visitors. According to the local people, this event is planned to be held every three years, and the next one will be held in July. The next event will be held in July.

The event will be broadcast onTono Dam Exchange Center Blogand ... andNihonkai Shimbun websitePlease also see the article on the following website.

It is a bit far from the place, but it is a very nice place, so please visit!

This article was written by.
Shin Jinma

Dam enthusiast who loves Momosuke Fukuzawa / Dampedia and Dam News administrator / Certified Dammeister (01-018) by the Japan Dam Foundation / Started selling discharge caution goods.

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