Off-line meeting/event report

Report on "The 8th Gathering with Dam Lovers in Iwaya Dam with Dam Curry

Off-line meeting/event report
This article can be read in about 4 minutes to read.

This is the eighth time that I have had the pleasure of gathering with dam enthusiasts. Some of my reports have been published in specialized magazines, but this is the first time I would like to write about it on my own website.

This gathering was at the Iwaya Dam, but those who wanted to eat Iwaya Dam Curry were to meet at 11:30 a.m. at Bikinosato, and those who wanted to visit only the dam were to meet at 1:00 p.m. at the Iwaya Dam.

I myself had not yet had Iwaya Dam Curry, so I join the group that wants to try it.

On the way to Bikinosato, we will stop at the Maze River No. 2 Dam.

Long time no see! Mr. Mazegawa! # Mazegawa 2nd dam # dam #damlovers8 #dam

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We also stopped at the Nishimura Dam.

Nishimura-san! It's been a while here too! # Nishimura Dam # dam #dam #damlovers8

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Upon closer inspection, the Nishimura Dam gate was fully open. Chubu Electric Power Company was testing the effect of the open gate on power generation efficiency. The purpose is to eliminate the cost of gate operation, and if there is no impact, the dam may be gateless. However, with the current situation of electric power companies facing difficulties such as deregulation of electric power and the nuclear power plant issue, the focus will be on how to increase sales and profits, so this is probably just another trend of the times.

After leaving Nishimura Dam, we went to Bikinosato. We had a room prepared for this year's participants.

Since we were slightly late, the participants were already seated.

Iwaya Dam Curry looks like this. It is a hearty dish. There is one fried sweetfish cut in half, and you can eat the whole head as well. The menu is limited to 10 servings a day, but on this day we made a reservation in advance and were able to get enough for the number of people. The price of 980 yen for such a large portion is very inexpensive.

After eating the dam curry, we moved to the management office. The management office also had a signboard. It is very nice because it also serves as an advertisement for the "Gathering with Dam Lovers" for those who came to get a dam card.

Once everyone was present, the gathering with dam enthusiasts began. First, the director gave an overview of the Iwaya Dam. It was impressive that the participants listened anxiously to his explanation, saying "Wow, you do understand, don't you? I was impressed by the way the participants listened to him with concern. I think most of the enthusiasts understand, but some of them are beginners, so it is quite difficult to strike a balance.

Next, we visited the operation room. Photography is allowed in the operation room, but not open to the public.

After that, we will board a microbus to move to the Selective Intake Tower.

After visiting the selective intake tower, we planned to board the microbus again to return to the left bank, but we all decided to walk back.

And on the way back to the left bank, I ask a lot of questions about this and that. This is a pedestal for a surveying machine to measure the distortion of the embankment. The Iwaya Dam is an old dam, so the plumb line has not been installed. Therefore, these pedestals are located here and there, and surveying equipment is installed each time to measure the degree of distortion.

This structure, which had been on my mind for some time, was a surge tank. Incidentally, there is another surge tank on the slope on the right.

During the explanation at the administration office, we were given a tour of the audit corridor, which was not originally on our schedule, but we were able to see it on short notice. Unfortunately, we were not able to go to the deepest part of the corridor, but this alone was satisfying. Incidentally, the audit corridor of the Iwaya Dam does not go to the deepest part of the foundation bedrock, but ends in the middle. It is not connected to each other from both the left and right banks and seems to stand alone. For more information.Pamphletfor more information.

And as a surprise, we were allowed to enter the top of the flow guide wall on the lake side of the dam. We were also allowed to enter the top of the conduit wall on the lake side of the dam.

The participants seemed to be very satisfied with the event. I can't get enough of this laid-back feeling (laughs).

And downstream through the gate chamber! This is it! The view I've always wanted to see! I'm super happy to see the view I've always wanted to see.

Note that the Iwaya Dam's force-reducing structure is of the ski jump type. Although it is a little difficult to see in this photo because it was taken with a zoom lens, there is a deflector on the left side of the tip of the ski jump to prevent the ground on the left bank from being cut off when the water is discharged.

And a further surprise at the end of the tour! We were allowed to go down the stairs by the conduit wall to the halfway point!

I hope you will be very satisfied with the tour.

We are talking with the people in charge about having the next event at a certain dam in the fall, and we will announce it on this site and on various social networking services. Please look forward to it!

This article was written by.
Shin Jinma

Dam enthusiast who loves Momosuke Fukuzawa / Dampedia and Dam News administrator / Certified Dammeister (01-018) by the Japan Dam Foundation / Started selling discharge caution goods.

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