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rough-coated rock

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Reading: Gensekiyama
Also known as -

A rough stone pile is a pile from which materials necessary to construct a dam are extracted. Aggregate, the raw material for concrete, and fill material for rock-fill dams are mainly collected. The materials are collected from a mountain near the embankment, but some dams may be set up at a surprisingly distant location.

The material is transported by cable cranes and very large dump trucks, such as 46-ton dump trucks.

Most of the original stone piles after dam construction had been turned into bald piles, but recently there have been cases where greening work has been carried out in consideration of the environment.

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Shin Jinma

Dam enthusiast who loves Momosuke Fukuzawa / Dampedia and Dam News administrator / Certified Dammeister (01-018) by the Japan Dam Foundation / Started selling discharge caution goods.https://shop.dampedia.com

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