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Ouenwa Dam

Ouenwa Dam "a" column or row of the kana syllabary
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Reading: Oktoowa Dam
Also known as -

The Ouenwa Dam is a fictional dam that was the setting for Yuichi Shimpo's suspense novel "Whiteout," which was also made into a movie. It is supposed to be under the jurisdiction of Nagami Power Station of Kitanihon Electric Power Co. The model for the novel is Okutadami Dam, but Kurobe Dam (Toyama) was used for the filming of the movie.

The following are the specifications of the Ouenwa Dam, and are listed with reference to the official website for the film that once existed. In addition, theThe official movie website is still in the archives.(but note that it is slow and there are broken links to the images) (Note, however, that it is slow and there are broken links to images.)

dam characteristics

River NameOkuenwa River, Okuenwa Water System
ObjectiveFlood control, agricultural disaster prevention, unspecified water, water for river maintenance, water for water supply, water for snow removal (snow control), power generation
Modelarch dam
Bank height186m
Bank length492m
Dam volume1,636,000m3
Watershed Areaunknown
Reservoir areaunknown
Total storage capacity601,000,000m3
Effective water storage capacity458,000,000m3
Dam operatorKitanihon Electric Power Co.
Main body constructorunknown
Year of launchCirca 1955.
Year CompletedCirca 1960.
Name of Dam LakeLake Okuenwa
Maximum power output360,000 kW
Number of generatorsthree aircraft

Other facilities/observations

It is said that the dam site on the left bank can be reached by passing through the "Ouenwa Silver Line," a series of 11 tunnels over a total length of 30 kilometers. There is also a prefectural road, but it is closed from the end of November to the middle of May due to snow accumulation. In addition, the "Maruyama Ski Resort" on the left bank of the downstream side of the embankment, operated by the Kitanihon Electric Power Company, is closed during the high season in February due to excessive snowfall and reopens in March, which is unusual. (*)

Parking lot○?
PR Exhibition Hall×x?

Both "Oku-Towa Silver Line" and "Maruyama Ski Resort" are modeled after Okutadami Dam, and are called "Okutadami Silver Line" and "Okutadami Maruyama Ski Resort," respectively. The long tunnel and winter closure are also very similar.

Books and DVDs related to the Ouenwa Dam

This article was written by.
Shin Jinma

Dam enthusiast who loves Momosuke Fukuzawa / Dampedia and Dam News administrator / Certified Dammeister (01-018) by the Japan Dam Foundation / Started selling discharge caution goods.https://shop.dampedia.com

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