Dam News

The 5th Gathering with Dam Lovers in Makio Dam!

The 5th Gathering with Dam Lovers in Makio Dam! Dam News
This article can be read in about 6 minutes to read.

The 5th "Gathering with Dam Lovers" is the source of the Aichi Water SupplyMakio DamThe event will be held at the

This year, we have a grand plan to trace the Aichi Irrigation Canal from upstream to downstream! This year, we are planning a grand plan to trace the Aichi River from upstream to downstream, and this will be the first installment of the plan.

The content is, of course, maniacal and Kamima has raised several requests.

We look forward to your participation!

As in the previous event, Kamimba will not participate this time, but will visit the site beforehand. We will report on the site later on this page.
(Please note that some of the contents may be subject to change depending on the preview. Please check this page frequently for any changes. If you enter your e-mail address in the comment box, we will contact you by e-mail.)

We have reached the limit of 30 participants, so we have closed the application process.
Thank you for all the applications! (Added 6/5/2015)


■Date: Saturday, June 13, 2015 12:00 13:00-16:30 *Meeting time has changed (added and edited 5/9/2015)

Please eat lunch by yourselves before the tour starts. We would be grateful if you could have lunch in the village for the sake of Ontaki Village, which has been affected by the eruption of Mt. Below are some good restaurants in the village.
interpoint (interword separation)hermitage
interpoint (interword separation)Otaki Restaurant
interpoint (interword separation)Soba Restaurant Sakura

Meeting place (reception desk): Aichi Water Supply General Management Station (Makio Dam Management Station)
Location: 7696-1, Mitake, Kiso-cho, Kiso-gun, Nagano, Japan

*The location of the building is the administration office, but as you enter from the parking lot, immediately to your left, on the other side of the restrooms, there is a slight slope that climbs up to a higher ground. Please park in the plaza across from the building and wait inside. (Added on 5/20/2015)

■ Contents:
interpoint (interword separation)corridor connecting an annex to a pond-side building (in traditional palatial-style architecture)
Control Center Operation Room
Near flood discharge
DamTop (Crest)

■Participation quota: 30 applicants

How to apply for participation

Please post your name (handles are acceptable) and the number of participants in the comment box below. This is all you need to do to register.

Application deadline (added 5/12/2015)

2013Saturday, June 6, 2015
(Sorry, for some reason I typed in 2013 w)


Please wear sneakers or other footwear that is easy to walk in as there will be a dam tour.
Let's enjoy the tour together by observing not only traffic rules and manners, but also tour rules and manners.
Please follow the local instructions for taking photos and posting them on blogs and social networking sites. Please be considerate of portrait rights, etc.
The schedule is subject to change or cancellation due to disaster prevention systems or other reasons.

Additional Notes (added 5/9/2015)

Due to the nature of dam management (including security), we ask that your name, address, and telephone number be included at the time of registration. The reception list is to be used only for the said tour and will not be used for any other purpose.
Helmets are generally not required, but you may want to bring your own.
If you feel sick, please inform us immediately.
If it is not raining, you can climb the stairs to the top of the mountain, but please be careful as the steps are quite steep and the tread is narrow.

I went to the preview! (Added 5/9)

I went for a preview on Thursday, 4/30 and it looks like it will be another good tour!
The management office had proposed that we drive downstream, but we said, "That's such a waste! and we are proposing to move on foot.
You may laugh at your knees, but those of you who are trained by visiting dams on a daily basis will be fine! Please enjoy yourselves!

View of the embankment from the bridge downstream of Makio Dam


First, let's take a look at the levee from the Rokudan Bridge, a top-way lozenge bridge located downstream of the levee before the meeting. It happened to be discharging during the preliminary inspection, but it may not be discharging on the day of the meeting.
Incidentally, 13 m3/s was discharged at this time.
The bridge is not part of this tour, so it is better to see it before or after the meeting. However, it is recommended to see the bridge before the meeting because it will be backlit after the meeting.

Soba Restaurant Sakura


Please eat your own lunch beforehand this time. During the preview, please make sure that you have "hermitageWe were going to eat at "The Bistro" but it was closed on a holiday! We ended up going to "Soba Restaurant SakuraI decided to eat at

It is roughly 15 minutes away from the Makio Dam.

fried soba (similar to chow mein) with shrimp, shrimp or vegetables in a shallow frying pan


There I had kakiage-soba. After all, soba is a must when you come to Nagano. I forgot to take a picture of the menu, but the price was around 1,000 yen. I heard that the number of tourists is decreasing due to the eruption of Mt!

meeting place


The meeting place is not the administration office, but a small hill on the other side of the restrooms on your left as soon as you enter the parking lot. You will see the building in the photo. Please park in the plaza across from the building and wait inside.

Inside the meeting place


Please wait here. Restrooms are also located inside.
In fact, this office was used during the construction of sediment control measures following the earthquake in western Nagano Prefecture. Inside, you will find a dam condominium that was once used and a huge map model of the Aichi Waterway, so please enjoy looking around until the start time.

Inside the control center


I've covered it with a mosaic for your enjoyment on the day of the event, but I'm sure the wise dam enthusiasts will recognize it right away. (If there is a large number of participants, we may omit some information.)

View from XX


I had put this as a request and it has been fulfilled! This is also a mosaic for the fun of the day.
I hope they are releasing it on the same day.

Walk the fill section.


Walk from the top edge to the fill section. See the rough riprap.

Gentian flower


I thought I would reach the plaza downstream when I went down the fill section, but I found the old village road. I took a quick shot of a gentian blooming there. It is nice to take pictures of flowers once in a while.

The Road to Nadir


From the old village road, exit once onto the current village road and head for the intersection with Prefectural Road 256.
There are no sidewalks and cars drive quite fast on the downhill road, so please be careful of automobile traffic.
After crossing Prefectural Route 256, there is a gate marked "No Trespassing" and you are once again stepping into a forbidden area. The photo was taken from behind that gate.
The gate is located on the old Prefectural Road 256 and the piers of the "old Rokudan Bridge" can be seen in the back.
The former Rokudan Bridge is an upper-road parallel-string Warren truss bridge, which I remember crossing once when I first started touring dams.
Further in the distance, the abandoned Hanabusa Tunnel can be seen.
It would be nice to love these remains.

something secret


Please check this out at the site. It is super cool! However, the smell is adequate, so if you are sensitive to smells, you may want to avoid it.

That's rough!


Sorry. I was trying to imitate a statement that one person often says.
You may not be able to see it clearly because of the mosaic.
Some people may not be a fan of rock fill, but this angle is "possible". Because it's so cool!

Something Secret, Part 2


Please check this site as well. By the way, this is another place to visit that has been requested.
I hope they are releasing it on the same day.

This concludes my report on the preview, but if you have already signed up to participate, please look forward to it!
If you have not yet applied, please do so as soon as possible!

Accommodations that may be close to Makio Dam

Map of meeting place

This article was written by.
Shin Jinma

Dam enthusiast who loves Momosuke Fukuzawa / Dampedia and Dam News administrator / Certified Dammeister (01-018) by the Japan Dam Foundation / Started selling discharge caution goods.https://shop.dampedia.com

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  1. kao3541 says:


  2. damkichi says:

    It has been a while. As a beneficiary of the Aichi Waterway, I would like to sing your praises!

  3. いのうえ says:

    Hello! Please let me participate again. Best regards!

  4. コージ says:

    It has been a while.
    Although I am no longer working on dam-related projects, the appeal of dams still looms large in my mind.

    This time, I'm expecting to be able to visit you on this date, so please let me enter once... ♪
    Thank you for your cooperation.

    • Oh, it has been a while!
      Your work has taken you away from the dam!
      But thank you for your participation!
      We regret that we will not be able to meet you, but we hope you will enjoy the event!

  5. KAZ-A says:

    Good evening. I got a taste of this event after participating last time.
    I will apply for participation again this time. I am a little concerned about the rainy season.

  6. Kyuya-san, I heard that you are going to join us~.
    I was a substitute for not being able to post~.

  7. 蒼い鳩 says:

    Nice to meet you.
    I learned about this event from Mr. Miyajima's Facebook page. Please let me participate in this event.
    I have never been inside the Makio Dam, so I am looking forward to it.

  8. 蒼い鳩 says:

    Oh, the number of participants is one.

  9. よっしー says:

    Thank you for the early notice!
    I'm sorry I can't see the water god, but I hope to participate!
    Thank you for your cooperation.

  10. I hope for obstetrics!

  11. 炭素 says:

    It has been a while. I would like to participate.
    I am looking forward to seeing the Makio Dam this time, as I have not had a chance to take a good look at it.
    I'm sorry you didn't get to meet the water god!

    • Oh, it's been a while! I haven't seen you since last year at Kosibu!
      Thank you for your registration!
      I am sorry that we could not meet, but I hope you will enjoy your stay!

  12. The preliminary inspection on 4/30 has been added!
    Also, the meeting time has been changed to 13:00. Please check the other notes added to the schedule!

    Oops, I forgot something important.
    If you have a Twitter account, please tweet with the hashtag #damlovers5! Kamima, who probably won't be able to make it due to work, will be happy to hear from you!

  13. チキバン says:

    Nice to meet you,
    I am alone, but I would like to participate, please.
    I am sorry that I will not be able to meet you, Mr. Shin Kamima.
    I live surprisingly close by.
    I am looking forward to it.

    • Oh, it's nice to meet you!
      I am sorry that I am unable to meet you, but I hope you will enjoy your stay!
      I see that you live nearby!
      We hope to see you at some heavenly end at some point in the future!

  14. Thank you very much for your application!
    We have added an "Application Deadline".2013The application period ends on Saturday, June 6, 2015, so if you have not yet registered, please do so as soon as possible! (Sorry, for some reason I typed in 2013 w)

  15. がんもさん says:

    One person will participate.
    I am looking forward to visiting the dam as it will be my first time in a while.

  16. ピンクのうさぎ says:

    I would like to participate, but is it impossible because the deadline has passed?
    If possible, my husband and I would like to participate. (*'omega'*)

  17. 北の野獣 says:

    This is my first time writing to you.
    Please allow one person from Kasugai, Aichi to participate.
    Thank you for your cooperation.

  18. アポロ says:

    Nice to meet you!
    The pink rabbit told us about this dam visit.
    I have been interested in dams since April this year, and this is my first visit to a dam by myself. I would appreciate it very much.

  19. hiro says:

    I would like to participate from the Kanto area.
    One adult.
    Can I participate?
    I await your reply.

    • Nice to meet you!
      Thank you for your application! Participation is OK!
      Is Nagano relatively easy to access from the Kanto region?
      Thank you for your cooperation on that day!

  20. くら says:

    Long time no see! I'm sorry it's been so long.... Thank you again for your cooperation!

  21. ともっち says:

    Nice to meet you, my name is Tomochi.
    I would like to participate alone. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

    • Nice to meet you! Thank you for your application!
      I am very happy to see more and more newcomers,
      I am so sorry and disappointed that I will not be able to see you all on that day....
      Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!

  22. 山田K says:

    Good evening, one participant please.
    I have passed by the Makio Dam twice at night, but have not been able to visit the site yet and would like to enjoy it.
    Although I will not be able to meet Mr. Kamima this time, I look forward to meeting him someday.

    • Oh, thank you for signing up to participate!
      We had only passed each other briefly in the snowy Tokuyama area,
      I am sorry that we could not meet again,
      We hope to see you again at some other end of the sky!

  23. あべかわ says:

    We would like one person to participate, please!
    It's been a long time since I've been here, so I'm looking forward to the decision.

  24. ふわチン says:

    I would like to participate again. (1 person)
    Best regards~.

  25. クロはん says:

    Please let us participate!
    It is not easy for one individual to show us this, so we are looking forward to the day.

    • クロはん says:

      Sorry, I forgot to write the number of participants. I forgot to write the number of participants.

    • Nice to meet you! Thank you for your application!
      Please enjoy this place as it is usually inaccessible!
      I especially recommend the mosaic place!

  26. 清水篤 says:

    Thanks for your hard work the other day. w
    Please join one person!

  27. Mr. Heihachiro has informed us that he wishes to participate but is unable to post a comment, so we are posting on his behalf.

  28. 星野夕陽 says:

    Thanks for your time.
    Sorry for the last minute, but we need one person to participate.

  29. だしぇろ says:

    It was just in time,
    I would like to participate with one person, please lurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

    We are looking forward to the dam and, of course, the weather on the day of the event!

  30. Sorry for the delay.
    Please join us again.

  31. Jun says:

    Nice to meet you, I would like to join two adults and one elementary school student. I look forward to working with you.

    • Is it your family!
      Thank you for your registration!
      I hope it will be a good memory for your child!

      • Jun says:

        Family. My 6th grade son is working hard to collect dam cards!
        I fell in love with the dam because of the card. I visited Makio Dam last year.
        It is a memorable place where I happened to see the discharge. My whole family is looking forward to it.
        Please take care of it.

  32. The application deadline was only a few days away, but we have reached our limit of 30 applicants, so we will now close the application process. Thank you for all the applications!

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