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Second dose of new coronavirus vaccine has been completed.

Second dose of new coronavirus vaccine has been completed. Dam log
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I hope it will soon come to an end. Hi, it's time for the Dumb Log.

I was able to complete my second dose of the new coronavirus vaccine (Pfizer's Cominati) on Thursday, September 9, 2021. I wrote this article to record my personal response to this historic pandemic as a note, although I am not sure if it will be of any use to the future or to others.

First of all, let me make sure there is no misunderstanding about the fact that this article and I personally have not received any vaccinations.Not mandatory.. Personally, I would recommend the vaccination to healthy people, people who have had no anaphylactic or other symptoms from other vaccinations in the past, and people who have consulted with their doctors and have been told that they should (or may) have the vaccination, but I believe that the vaccination itself should be left to the judgment of the individual. We will only recommend or suggest, but will not force. And the decision should not be made based on this article.Please see the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's articles related to vaccines to do so.The following is a list of the most common problems with the

Background to Vaccination

I myself am a person with a fairly low risk of infection, as I follow the local government's request and refrain from going out except for shopping, and I only go to Gifu at least once a week for work after August 2021, but other than that I work almost entirely remotely.

Therefore, in early July, when it was first reported that the vaccine might be in short supply, I thought it would be fine to postpone my own vaccination until later if there were other people who needed to be vaccinated first. The local government had already begun taking reservations for the vaccination, but the local health center was already fully booked, and a large hospital a few dozen minutes away by car had only one day available.

By the way, only the vaccination ticket was received on July 6, 2021.

However, the clinic where I receive my monthly prescription for a certain medication is located in a neighboring town, and on July 20, while calling to make an appointment for the medication, I thought I would just ask if it was possible to get the vaccination even though the vaccination coupon was for the neighboring town, and I was told that it was possible even in the neighboring town. I was told that it was possible to get the vaccination even in the neighboring town, and that they happened to cancel the appointment just before I called. I was told that the first vaccination would be given a month later, on August 19.

I was lucky, or rather, the timing was so great that I said, "I'll make an appointment! I told him "I'll make an appointment!" and the appointment for inoculation was made.

The first was on August 19 and the second on September 9, both vaccinations were given on Thursdays at 6:30pm.

My basic specs

  • Age: 45 years old
  • Height: 158cm
  • Weight: 57kg
  • Underlying disease: I have no major illnesses, but I have mild atopic dermatitis and have been on medication for nearly a quarter of a century. He also has reflux esophagitis and has been on medication for about 10 years. Recently, he has been losing weight, so we reduced the dosage of his medication for a trial and found that his symptoms had almost disappeared, so we had him get rid of the medication at his first vaccination. (Occasionally, he has nausea when he is stressed or extremely fatigued.)

Well, overall, I think I am relatively healthy: I calculate my daily calorie intake, try not to overeat, get a moderate amount of exercise, avoid eating between meals, and try not to eat after 9:00 p.m. for the past six months. I have succeeded in losing almost 5 kg of weight, and each of the numbers in the physical exam I recently had are getting better than the previous year.

1st inoculation (2021.8.19)

The day of the vaccination finally arrived: I was told to come to the hospital 15 minutes before the vaccination, which was scheduled for 6:30 p.m. I was also supposed to be working from home that day. I was supposed to be working from home that day, but I had to take emergency measures at a site outside of the prefecture, so I had to do some heavy work in the morning, finished at 16:00, and came home a little before 18:00 to take a shower... It was a very busy day.

I managed to arrive at the clinic at 6:15 p.m., and after 6:30 p.m. my name was called and I went to the treatment room. At this time of the day, three people including myself were supposed to be inoculated; it seemed that three people were inoculated every 15 or 30 minutes, with the regular patients being seen in between.

By the way, the vaccine is Cominati made by Pfizer. I had the injection given to my left arm, which is not my dominant arm.

I waited in a separate room for 15 minutes after the inoculation, but the day ended without incident.

After the 1st inoculation

4 hours laterThe patient was gradually experiencing a feeling of tightness at the site of the injection, which is unique to muscle injections. Body temperature was 36.5°C (36.2°C before inoculation). (36.2°C before inoculation)

eveningThe arm that was hit was so painful that I could not sleep with the arm down, but I could not sleep on my back.

After 14 hoursBody temperature: 36.1°C. It was an extremely normal morning. The arm where I was inoculated was quite sore, but not unbearable pain. I also felt lethargic, but I was not sure if it was a side effect of the vaccine or fatigue from the previous day's physical labor.

After 25 hoursBody temperature: 35.8°C. It is low, but this is the normal temperature.

Thereafter, my body temperature did not rise particularly high and I was back to normal.

Second inoculation (2021.9.9)

I left home at 6:00 p.m. and arrived at the clinic at 6:15 p.m. It was a telecommuting day, so I left home at 6:00 p.m. and arrived at the clinic at 6:15 p.m. The same process as the first vaccination was used.

I heard here and there that the second time had a higher fever than the first time and was quite difficult, so I asked the doctor if I could get an antipyretic, but he told me that if I did not have a fever the first time, the symptoms would be the same the second time, so I did not need an antipyretic.

After the second inoculation

After 6 hoursBody temperature: 36.4°C (36.1°C before inoculation). There was only a slight muscle ache in the arm where the inoculation was given.

eveningThe first time, it was so painful that I could not sleep with the arm that had been struck down, but I could lie on my back or on the opposite side.

13 hours laterBody temperature: 36.8°C. My normal temperature is in the low 35s, so I am starting to feel a little sluggish with a slight fever level. Also, the pain that attacked my whole body felt like something between muscle pain and neuralgia. It is hard to describe, but it was a feeling similar to the day after hard work. The arm where I was inoculated hurt a little, and I felt that the adverse reaction was stronger than the first time. But it is still bearable.

16.5 hours later: Body temperature 36.7°C. I felt cold and my joints ached here and there. The day after the vaccination, I was working from home, but I was so lazy and cold that I temporarily wrapped myself in a blanket and went to bed.

17.5 hours laterBody temperature: 37.4°C. The temperature finally exceeded 37°C.

29 hours later: Body temperature 37.5°C. I felt much better physically but still had a fever.

After 40 hoursBody temperature: 36.4°C. The temperature has returned to almost normal. Laziness has also recovered considerably and returned completely to normal in the evening.

Impressions after the second round

The second inoculation was more severe than the first, but it was like forgetting the heat when it passes your throat, and once the inoculation was over, it was nothing to worry about, despite all the people screaming about how they would die if they got it. My mother, uncle, and mother-in-law, who are all around 70 years old, have all been vaccinated and are living their lives as usual without incident.

Come to think of it, I was honestly surprised that a young boy in my office, who usually stubbornly insisted on never getting the flu vaccine for reasons unknown, was getting the new coronavirus vaccine this time. Something may have changed in his mind.

However, as with the flu, vaccination does not guarantee that you will not get it, so measures such as three-way avoidance, social distance, and alcohol sterilization will continue to be necessary in the future, even if they are troublesome. Also, as with influenza, if the symptoms can be lessened even in the event of an outbreak, there is no choice but not to vaccinate.

Also, even if I get antibodies 2 weeks after the vaccination, I personally intend to comply with the national and local government's request for self-restraint as much as possible. (Although I may stop by the dam on my way to work or home 😁)

To be honest, I do not know how long this blockage will continue. I have no idea what will happen in the future because the new coronavirus is still not 100% understood, and mutant strains are appearing one after another.

However, I think it is true that vaccination can reduce infection not only to oneself but also to those around one, and even if one should contract the disease, the symptoms will be less severe, as has been said in various places. I believe that this will help to minimize the damage when dam tours and dam card distribution return to normal and when you have the opportunity to come in contact with dam staff in the future.

That is why I personally recommend vaccination for healthy people, people who have not had anaphylaxis or other symptoms from other vaccinations in the past, and people who have consulted with their doctors and have been told that they should (or can) have the vaccination.

Wishing you a healthy, carefree, fun and normal dam tour in the future.

View of the flood discharge from the shade of a tree on the left bank
This article was written by.
Shin Jinma

Dam enthusiast who loves Momosuke Fukuzawa / Dampedia and Dam News administrator / Certified Dammeister (01-018) by the Japan Dam Foundation / Started selling discharge caution goods.https://shop.dampedia.com

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