Fukui Prefecture Dam

0947-Managawa Dam

0947-Managawa Dam Fukui Prefecture Dam
This article can be read in about 8 minutes to read.

Date of interview: Saturday, July 27, 2013

On this day, I came to Managawa Dam to attend a talk by a fellow dam enthusiast, Mr. Yajaku, and a tour of the embankment as part of a seasonal event to familiarize myself with the forest and lake.

View of the upstream face of the embankment from the left bank

It is midsummer, but the heat is gone when you see the dam. As you can see, the Managawa Dam is an arch dam.

View of the upstream face of the embankment from the left bank
View of the upstream face of the embankment from the left bank

Acceptance of tours inside the levee is complete.

Since the tour inside the embankment of the Managawa River Dam requires prior registration, you will receive a pass after a quick check-in. The mascot character of the Managawa Dam, Princess Mana, is depicted on the pass.

Acceptance of tours inside the levee is complete.
Acceptance of tours inside the levee is complete.

Yajaku's talk venue

Mr. Yajaku's talks are always the most interesting presentations on flood control and other topics. It is not easy for the public to see Mr. Yajaku's talk unless it is an opportunity like this, but it was impressive that Mr. Yajaku gave his presentation at the Managawa Dam every year during this period. (By the way, the picture was taken during the waiting time, so the number of participants was still very small.)

Yajaku's talk venue
Yajaku's talk venue

Managawa River Dam Management Branch Office, Kuzuryu River Dam Integrated Management Office, Kinki Regional Development Bureau

Why are the names of the buildings of dams under direct control so cool?

Managawa River Dam Management Branch Office, Kuzuryu River Dam Integrated Management Office, Kinki Regional Development Bureau
Managawa River Dam Management Branch Office, Kuzuryu River Dam Integrated Management Office, Kinki Regional Development Bureau

elevator in an embankment

After a briefing in the control center, visitors will take the elevator located inside the control center to the dike.

elevator in an embankment
elevator in an embankment

corridor connecting an annex to a pond-side building (in traditional palatial-style architecture)

This location is a long audit corridor, although it is not yet within the dike, but within the bedrock.

Downstream side of the left bank, looking downstream from the middle of the embankment

This is a valuable sight since it is usually inaccessible. The Managawa Dam is an arch dam with a central overflow type asymmetrical parabolic arch unequal-thickness concrete dam, the same type as the Seirenji Dam in Mie Prefecture. Compared to parabolic arch dams such as the Yahagi Dam, the Managawa Dam has less overhang.

Downstream side of the left bank, looking downstream from the middle of the embankment
Downstream side of the left bank, looking downstream from the middle of the embankment

Commentary by staff

This is an explanation by an employee of the Managawa Dam. The explanation was easy to understand for children.

Commentary by staff
Commentary by staff

Managawa Dam Operation Method

The explanation by the staff is easy to understand, but this sign is also easy to understand. Incidentally, the Ashiba River next to the ridge on the other side of the river suffered severe damage from the 2004 heavy rainfall in Fukui, after the dam construction plan was abandoned. However, the Managawa River, which receives the same amount of heavy rainfall as the Ashiba River, was not damaged by the Managawa Dam, and this led to an interesting episode in which the Ashiba River dam construction plan was put into action again.

Managawa Dam Operation Method
Managawa Dam Operation Method

View of the left bank side of the downstream face of the dike

I never took the stairs to get around, but if it had been stairs 💦.

View of the left bank side of the downstream face of the dike
View of the left bank side of the downstream face of the dike

leakage meter

This device is used to measure the amount of leakage. A pole is erected to prevent accidental kicking.

leakage meter
leakage meter

Conduit gate operation room interior

This is the inside of the conduit gate operation room, where the upper part of the hydraulic cylinder (the red part) is visible. It is composed of red, yellow, and blue, as if it were a recreational facility.

Conduit gate operation room interior
Conduit gate operation room interior

View from the catwalk toward the right bank

A tiger fence has been installed for safety reasons, as children also visit the site.

View from the catwalk toward the right bank
View from the catwalk toward the right bank

View downstream from the catwalk

The Managawa Dam has a fountain downstream. It is common to see fountains in dam lakes for aeration, but downstream fountains are rare.

The water taken from the Managawa Dam is delivered to the Managawa and Gojokata power plants located several kilometers downstream, causing a section of the Managawa Gorge in front of the dam to have almost no water flow.

This fountain was constructed by the Managawa Dam Water Environment Improvement Project to solve this problem. In other words, it is a water fountain for river maintenance.

This fountain not only improves the environment, but also makes it look cool with rainbows.

View downstream from the catwalk
View downstream from the catwalk

Looking up at the crest gate from the center of the downstream face

You will never see an angle like this, so if you go to the tour, be sure to look up at the center of the dam. But be careful not to get dizzy and fall backwards.

Looking up at the crest gate from the center of the downstream face
Looking up at the crest gate from the center of the downstream face

Staircase in the audit corridor

We are back in the dike again.

Staircase in the audit corridor
Staircase in the audit corridor

corridor connecting an annex to a pond-side building (in traditional palatial-style architecture)

I have a very hazy memory, but I think it was the deepest place.

corridor connecting an annex to a pond-side building (in traditional palatial-style architecture)
corridor connecting an annex to a pond-side building (in traditional palatial-style architecture)

Photo panel exhibition by dam enthusiasts

Inside the auditorium are photo panels of dams taken by dam enthusiasts such as myself. I believe my panel is supposed to be there, but for some reason I did not take a picture of it, so it is a mystery if it really existed. Also, eight years have passed by the time I write this article, so I am not sure if other people's panels are still on display. (I mean, it's been 8 years... 😓)

Photo panel exhibition by dam enthusiasts
Photo panel exhibition by dam enthusiasts

Power generation equipment for administrative use inside the maintenance and discharge building

As mentioned above, water taken from the intake for power generation is delivered to the Managawa Power Station and Gojokata Power Station downstream, but is also delivered to the maintenance and discharge building by diverging into a bypass discharge pipe on the way. The photo shows the power generation equipment for administrative use in the maintenance and discharge building. It is very compact for administrative use.

Power generation equipment for administrative use inside the maintenance and discharge building
Power generation equipment for administrative use inside the maintenance and discharge building

Inside the maintenance and discharge building

Inside the maintenance and discharge building, there are valves for fountain, unspecified, and maintenance flow, in addition to the valves for hydropower generation mentioned above. It is good to see that elementary school students are reading the explanatory panels properly.

Inside the maintenance and discharge building
Inside the maintenance and discharge building

Valve Group

I no longer remember which valves are which, but they are all blue.

Valve Group
Valve Group

View of the fountain and the downstream face of the levee

The fountain can also be seen up close during the tour.

View of the fountain and the downstream face of the levee
View of the fountain and the downstream face of the levee

Temporary drainage tunnel?

Concrete structure visible a short distance upstream from the fountain. It may be a temporary drainage tunnel during construction.

Downstream view of the levee from the left bank

We are now back at the top level. The arch dam, with its majestic wings spread out, is really wonderful.

Downstream view of the levee from the left bank
Downstream view of the levee from the left bank

Event site on the left bank

It may seem like a festival, but the Forest and Lake Friendship Seasonal Event is a festival for the dam.

Event site on the left bank
Event site on the left bank

View of the top edge from the left bank

Although automobiles are allowed to pass through, there is nothing beyond this point, so the only vehicles passing through are construction vehicles.

View of the top edge from the left bank
View of the top edge from the left bank

Selective water intake system, boat house and incline

In the foreground is the selective intake system, from which water is pumped to the aforementioned power plant and other facilities. In the back are the boatyard and the incline. The slope is quite steep.

Selective water intake system (front), boatyard and incline (back)
Selective water intake system (front), boatyard and incline (back)

Crestgate Unwinder Room

This is the winding machine room of the crest gate. It is built in a curve along the dike.

Crestgate Unwinder Room
Crestgate Unwinder Room

View of the dam lake from the top

The water level is lowered in the summer, so the soil is exposed on the lakeshore. Two structures that look like bridge piers can be seen in the center of the lake. It seems that a bridge was built here before the dam was constructed.

View of the dam lake from the top
View of the dam lake from the top

Managawa Dam Water Level Observatory

A water level observatory is located on the right bank side.

Managawa Dam Water Level Observatory
Managawa Dam Water Level Observatory

Oyabashira on the right bank

We have come to the right bank. The nameplate of the Managawa Dam is housed in the parent pillar, but this one is still in the Ministry of Construction. Also, if you look at the top of the abutment on the left bank, you can see the remains of the cable crane foundation.

Oyabashira on the right bank
Oyabashira on the right bank

View of the upstream face of the embankment from the right bank

The upstream face can be seen coming straight down from the top edge to around the crest gate threshold, and rounding off from there.

View of the upstream face of the embankment from the right bank
View of the upstream face of the embankment from the right bank

memorial (stone)

The cenotaph for the Managawa Dam is located on the right bank. We are grateful for the opportunity to visit the site and join hands.

memorial (stone)
memorial (stone)

Downstream view of the levee from the right bank

The right bank has a gap due to a protruding landslide, so it is like aiming at the downstream face of the embankment.

Downstream view of the levee from the right bank
Downstream view of the levee from the right bank

View downstream from the top

The Managawa Dam crest gate is gray, almost white, but I think it is unusual to see such a bright color.

View downstream from the top
View downstream from the top

Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism patrol car

I think it was a Mitsubishi RVR. A nearby staff member laughed and said, "You don't have to take a picture of something like this😓" lol.

Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism patrol car
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism patrol car

View of the upstream face of the embankment from the left bank

Managawa Dam in midsummer. It is time to say goodbye.

View of the upstream face of the embankment from the left bank
View of the upstream face of the embankment from the left bank

Stone monument at Lake Manahime

The Managawa River Dam has many points of interest. If you have a chance, we would like you to see the dam from inside the embankment and downstream.

Stone monument at Lake Manahime
Stone monument at Lake Manahime

statue of Mana-hime

Walk a few hundred meters upstream along the left bank of the Managawa River Dam, and you will see a golden statue. It is a statue of Princess Mana, from whom the dam lake takes its name. Princess Mana is a sad legend of a human sacrifice, but the statue stands by the lakeside as if she herself were appealing to the public about the importance of water. (The statue of Princess Mana is cured during the winter, so a visit during other seasons is recommended.)

statue of Mana-hime
statue of Mana-hime

The embankment is of course a highlight, but the Managawa Dam is also interesting to learn about episodes that prevented flooding, the legend of Princess Mana, and more. If you visit Fukui, please take a look at the Managawa Dam.

Managawa Dam Specifications

LocationShimowakaoko, Ono-shi, Fukui
River NameMana River, Kuzuryu River System
ObjectiveF (flood control, agricultural disaster prevention)
N (unspecified water, water for river maintenance)
P(Power generation)
ModelA(arch dam)
Bank height127.5m
Bank length357m
Dam volume507,000 m3
Watershed Area223.7km2
Reservoir area293ha
Total storage capacity115,000,000 m3
Effective water storage capacity95,000,000 m3
Dam operatorKinki Regional Construction Bureau
Main body constructorMaeda Corporation
Year of launch1965.
Year Completed1977
Name of Dam LakeLake Manahimebeautiful woman

Other facilities/observations

Parking lot
Park○(Manahimeko Youth Travel Village)
PR Exhibition Hall×
Fishing○○ (excluding no-take zones)

Map around Managawa Dam

Weather around Managawa Dam

Accommodations that may be close to Managawa Dam

This article was written by.
Shin Jinma

Dam enthusiast who loves Momosuke Fukuzawa / Dampedia and Dam News administrator / Certified Dammeister (01-018) by the Japan Dam Foundation / Started selling discharge caution goods.https://shop.dampedia.com

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