Gunma Dam

0612-Yagisawa Dam

0612-Yagisawa Dam Gunma Dam
This article can be read in about 4 minutes to read.

Location: Yagisawa, Fujiwara, Minakami-machi, Tone-gun, Gunma
Date of interview: 2005/06/17

View of the levee from downstream

View of the levee from downstream

The Yagisawa Dam is an arch-type dam in the Okutone Dam complex, and it is also huge. It is the Yagisawa Dam. It is located in the unexplored region of Okutone, and no one is allowed to enter beyond this dam.

View of the flood discharge from downstream

View of the flood discharge from downstream

Near the Sudagai Dam, there is an administrative road leading to the Yagisawa Dam. You can see a strange object on the bridge in front of the dam. Incidentally, the bridge in front of the dam is said to be a dormitory where people from the Japan Water Agency stay during wintering.

View of the flood discharge from downstream (close-up)

View of the flood discharge from downstream (close-up)

This is a ski jump flood discharge, which is very famous in the dam world. I have seen many dams, but this was the first time for me to see a flood discharge up close and personal.

View of the flood discharge from downstream (even closer close-up)

View of the flood discharge from downstream (even closer close-up)

The flood discharge is used as a road, and the water is discharged from this tunnel from May to July. I have only seen it in videos and photos, but is it good? Is it safe? I have only seen it in videos and photos, but it is so dynamic that it makes me wonder if it is OK.

View of the control center and Nature View Yagisawa from the top of the Waki Dam

View of the control center and Nature View Yagisawa from the top of the Waki Dam

Still excited (even though we did not see any discharge of water), we arrived at the embankment. The signboard said that this was a "Waki-Dam," and that it was a rock-fill dam. In fact, the Yagisawa Dam is not an arch dam, but a combined arch and rockfill dam. Furthermore, there are wing dams on either side of the arch, the same as the Kurobe Dam. But officially, it is an arch.

From the top of the dam, you can see the administration office and the museum, Nature View Yagisawa.

View of the dam lake from the top of the Waki Dam

View of the dam lake from the top of the Waki Dam

The monument, which appears to have been made of driftwood, is in good taste.

Inside Nature View Yagisawa

Inside Nature View Yagisawa

First, let's take a look inside Nature View Yagisawa. It was dark because the lights were not turned on, probably to conserve electricity, and it looked like it was about to start raining outside.

Bear! Bear! Bear!

Bear! Bear! Bear!

A stuffed bear that looks as if it is about to move is on display. His dull eyes are impressive! By the way, his name is Yagisawa-kun (a lie).

View of the embankment on the lake side from the right bank

View of the embankment on the lake side from the right bank

People tend to think that the dam is the front view from downstream, but in fact, this is the front view.

View of the ski-jump type force reducer from the top edge

View of the ski-jump type force reducer from the top edge

If you go all the way down, you will reach the jumps mentioned earlier, but they are so far away that you cannot see the end of the road due to curves and such. The distance is about 500 meters.

View of the gate

View of the gate

The Yagisawa Dam has two roller gates. Incidentally, they are not really called flood discharges, but rather residual water discharges. This dam is also used for pumped-storage power generation with the Sudagai Dam on the TEPCO side, and it seems that a large amount of water from the dam lake is used for power generation.

View of the downstream bank from the right bank

View of the downstream bank from the right bank

Huge dams are difficult to photograph. They are too big to fit in the photo. Moreover, this picture is skewed.... Well, anyway, it is indeed very high. And it is quite curvy.

View of the top edge from the right bank

View of the top edge from the right bank

It's a really nice curve.

View of the dam lake from the top

View of the dam lake from the top

No roads have been installed on the dammed lake, leaving it in its natural state. What lies ahead is truly an unexplored region.

View of the power plant from the top

View of the power plant from the top

I am thinking stupid things like, "It would be painful if I fell down. Incidentally, as a matter of course, this building is under the jurisdiction of the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), not the Japan Water Agency (JWWA).

View of the nameplate and dam lake

View of the nameplate and dam lake

This is definitely a photo point.

View downstream from the top

View downstream from the top

From here, the trail joins the jumps and soon becomes Lake Dogen, the dammed lake of the Sudagai Dam.

View of the embankment on the lake side of the dam from the left bank

View of the embankment on the lake side of the dam from the left bank

No, the arch is really beautiful.

View of the gate from the top

View of the gate from the top

It looks like it was taken from the dam lake.

Entrance to Yagisawa Dam Management Road

Entrance to Yagisawa Dam Management Road

After leaving the Yagisawa Dam, I remembered that I had forgotten to take the entrance to the managed road, so I took this photo. Incidentally, from this point forward, the road is closed to ordinary vehicles during the winter. Please note that even if you come here in winter, you will not be able to see the Yagisawa Dam.

dam characteristics

River NameTone River System Tone River
ObjectiveFlood control, agricultural disaster prevention, unspecified water, river maintenance water, and
Irrigation water, water supply water, power generation
Bank height131m
Bank length352m
Dam volume510,000m3
Watershed Area167.4 km2
Reservoir area570ha
Total storage capacity204,300,000m3
Effective water storage capacity175,800,000m3
Dam operatorKanto Jiken → Water Public Corporation One Construction
Main body constructorKumagai Gumi
Year of launch1959
Year Completed1967.
Name of Dam LakeLake Okutone

Other facilities/observations

It is definitely a dam you should visit. And I would love to see the discharge scene live.

Parking lot
PR Exhibition Hall

Lodging facilities considered close to Yagisawa Dam

This article was written by.
Shin Jinma

Dam enthusiast who loves Momosuke Fukuzawa / Dampedia and Dam News administrator / Certified Dammeister (01-018) by the Japan Dam Foundation / Started selling discharge caution goods.

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  1. [...] The second volume of Mr. Yoshihisa Inoue's well-received "dam manga" is released today. The dam on the cover this time is the Sonohara Dam in Gunma Prefecture. The first edition of this volume also includes a "dam club girls card" with deformed characters of the characters as a bonus! This is a must-have! In addition, just as in the previous issue, this time too, a card with illustrations will be included as a bonus at Toranoana, Melon Books, Shosen, Kikuya Shoten, COMIC ZIN, and Manga-Oh! The illustration is different at each bookstore, so be sure to check out Inoue's blog, "Pony Farm Blog," for details. In addition, Dam Manga Volumes 1 & 2 (first edition with Dam Club girls' card) will be sold at Yagisawa Dam and Naramata Dam in Gunma Prefecture, where inspection and discharge of the dam will be held on May 17. Moreover, an original illustration card will be attached as a bonus. This is not just an inspection discharge anymore. (→ Source: here) [...].

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