Nagano Prefecture Dam

3321-Makio Dam

Nagano Prefecture Dam
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The dam is located at the foot of Mt.

Location: Mitake Wada, Kiso-cho, Kiso-gun, Nagano Prefecture

View of the levee from the downstream side of the right bank

It is snowing because we covered the site in winter. As you can see, the conditions for shooting were terrible, and as you can see, it turned white. So, I was debating whether or not to release it to the public until the very end, but I am running out of stock, so I decided to go ahead and release it to the public.

View of the levee from the downstream side of the right bank

To reach Makio Dam, enter Prefectural Road No. 20 from the Motobashi intersection on National Road No. 19, turn left at the Kurosawa intersection (some people do not put on blinkers because it looks like going straight...), and then follow the road. Signs are everywhere, so it should be easy to find.

View of the levee from the downstream side of the right bank (zoom in on the flood discharge)

Well, it doesn't look clear at all.... I did some processing to make it look better.... Can someone tell me how to take beautiful pictures on a snowy day? I like snow, but I am not good at photographing on a snowy day....

View of the levee from the downstream side of the right bank (zoom in on the flood discharge)

View of the embankment from the downstream side of the right bank (zoom in on the fill area)

I have no idea what it is. It is a levee in case you are wondering. The riprap is also blurry.

View of the embankment from the downstream side of the right bank (zoom in on the fill area)

View of the reduction work from the left bank

The levee was under construction at that time and dump trucks were coming and going several times. It was not off-limits, so we could cover the event, but it was a bit dangerous to try to go to the right bank, so we only covered the flood discharge area.

View of the reduction work from the left bank

This construction work, whatever it is, seems to have been caused by a massive influx of earth and sand due to the 1984 earthquake in western Nagano Prefecture, which drastically increased the amount of sand deposited, and the Makio Dam is now undergoing redevelopment. However, it is unknown if this is the reason for the construction work at this time.

View of the radial gate from the left bank

There are four radial gates.

View of the radial gate from the left bank

View of the dam lake from the left bank

View of the dam lake from the left bank

dam characteristics

ModelCenter-core type rockfill dam
ObjectiveIrrigation water, water supply water, industrial water, power generation
Bank height104.5m
Bank length264m
Dam volume2,615,000m3
Watershed Area304 km2
Reservoir area247ha
Total storage capacity75,000,000m3
Effective water storage capacity68,000,000m3
Name of Dam Lakelake (Ontake-ko)
Discharge FacilitiesHowell Banger Valvephi1,800mm 1 gate
Maximum Residual Water Discharge3,200m3/sec
form (something takes)Chute-type residual water discharge
gate4 tenter gates (10m x 10m)
River NameKiso River System Ohtaki River
Year of launch1957
Year Completed1961

Other facilities/observations

I have my home slopes in this vicinity, so we may possibly meet during the snow season. Since I go there frequently, I have the impression that it is like a hometown in my heart. I just don't like National Highway 19, which I have to drive as fast as a highway.

Parking lot
PR Exhibition Hall×
This article was written by.
Shin Jinma

Dam enthusiast who loves Momosuke Fukuzawa / Dampedia and Dam News administrator / Certified Dammeister (01-018) by the Japan Dam Foundation / Started selling discharge caution goods.

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