Niigata Prefecture Dam

0762-Uchinokura Dam

0762-Uchinokura Dam Niigata Prefecture Dam
This article can be read in about 9 minutes to read.

Date of interview: Saturday, May 25, 2013

We came to Uchikura Dam via Shimojogawa Dam, Hayadegawa Dam, and Agegawa Dam. The main event of this trip was to participate in a wedding ceremony of my dam friends. The wedding ceremony was to be held in the embankment of Uchikura Dam, which was a wonderful event.

Uchikura Dam Management Station

There is still time to walk around the area before the start time. The weather is beautiful and it is a perfect day for a wedding.

Uchikura Dam Management Station
Uchikura Dam Management Station

Right bank rim tunnel

Rim tunnel with a sense of design in the portal.

Right bank rim tunnel
Right bank rim tunnel

Concrete model by the tunnel

A concrete model of the Uchikura Dam can be seen by the exit of the Nanataki Tunnel, a tunnel on the way to the dam. It is said to be a 1/10 scale model of the hollow section of the Uchikura Dam, a hollow gravity concrete dam, so that visitors can get an idea of what it is like.

Concrete model by the tunnel
Concrete model by the tunnel

View of the top edge from the right bank

The top edge is open to automobile traffic.

View of the top edge from the right bank
View of the top edge from the right bank

Downstream view of the levee from the right bank

The red color of some of the metal parts of the crest gates, the footing fence, and the incline on the opposite side of the bank are nice accents to the natural green color as a complementary color.

Downstream view of the levee from the right bank
Downstream view of the levee from the right bank

View of the square on the right bank

The right bank is a plaza with a fountain and restrooms.

View of the square on the right bank
View of the square on the right bank

View of the upstream face of the embankment from the right bank

The Uchikura Dam is filled with water.

View of the upstream face of the embankment from the right bank
View of the upstream face of the embankment from the right bank

Part of Crestgate Pier

Part of the gate peer was recessed, and the gate nameplate was mounted there. It is a mystery why only this part is recessed, but I don't think it is to protect the nameplate from snow?

Part of Crestgate Pier
Part of Crestgate Pier
Net Diameter x Door Height9.5x5.292m
Door body radius6.500m
Opening/closing speed (vertical)0.3m/min
door weight17.0t
Date of manufactureDecember 1972
productionIshikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co.

View of the discharge from the crest from the top edge

What a surprise, it was released through the crest gate. It was as if they were celebrating this wedding. The red gate and the white water pattern looked like red and white, and if they were really aiming for it, it was a wonderful performance.

View of the discharge from the crest from the top edge
View of the discharge from the crest from the top edge

Downstream view of the levee from the left bank

It's a little hard to see the discharge from here. I wonder if we can manage to see it from downstream...

Downstream view of the levee from the left bank
Downstream view of the levee from the left bank

Incline on the left bank

Inclines are often installed to lower boats into dam lakes, but the one at Uchikura Dam is located downstream and has a sign explaining its operation, so it appears to be available for public use. (It seems that you need to have a special operation card, so you need to obtain permission before using it.)

Incline on the left bank
Incline on the left bank

Incline on the left bank

It does not look like it is for sightseeing if a special card is required, nor does it look like it carries a boat, and it is unclear what the incline is installed for. By the way, the stairs in the photo are not off-limits, and they are free to enter. I regret now that I should have checked about the incline when I heard about it.

Incline on the left bank
Incline on the left bank

View of the top edge from the left bank

The top edge of the building is sunny, probably because the mountains on both sides are not that high.

View of the top edge from the left bank
View of the top edge from the left bank

Cenotaph on the left bank

The stone monument on the left bank appears to be a cenotaph. A tanka poem is inscribed on it.

Cenotaph on the left bank
Cenotaph on the left bank

View of the upstream face of the embankment from the left bank

If the water level had been a little lower, the octopus legs characteristic of hollow gravity concrete dams might have been visible.

View of the upstream face of the embankment from the left bank
View of the upstream face of the embankment from the left bank

View downstream from the top

It is a magnificent view. The fresh greenery is also very wonderful.

View downstream from the top
View downstream from the top

View of the upstream crest gate from the top edge

Take a peek at the crest gate. You can see the water of the dam lake flowing rapidly.

View of the crest gate on the distillation surface from the top edge
View of the crest gate on the distillation surface from the top edge

View of the dam lake from the top

It is a quiet and beautiful dammed lake as there are no houses upstream.

View of the dam lake from the top
View of the dam lake from the top

Joban Suido

Since we still had a little time, we planned to watch the discharge from downstream.

The left bank downstream from Uchikura Dam has a waterway called the Joban Irrigation Canal, but it was difficult to reach the canal, which was so narrow that a three-number Extrail could barely fit both left and right wheels, and even the slightest wrong steering could cause the vehicle to fall into the irrigation canal.

Joban Suido
Joban Suido

View of the downstream face of Uchikura Dam upstream of the Joban irrigation channel

We got out of the car and headed up the Joban irrigation channel. On the way, we saw some snakes, but we reached a place where we could see the embankment of Uchikura Dam. However, we were not sure if we were allowed to enter the area, so we turned back.

View of the downstream face of Uchikura Dam upstream of the Joban irrigation channel
View of the downstream face of Uchikura Dam upstream of the Joban irrigation channel

Ceremony site...not hollow interior

That's right. The wedding will be held inside the hollow of Uchikura Dam. This time it is a wedding ceremony, but it seems that a concert is also held there every year.

Ceremony site...not hollow interior
Ceremony site...not hollow interior

Hollow Interior and Diamond Head

This location is looking upstream from downstream. The interior of the hollow is so large that even the slightest sound resonates well. You can also clearly see that the concrete walls on either side merge to form a magnificent Diamond Head.

Hollow Interior and Diamond Head
Hollow Interior and Diamond Head

View upstream from the tunnel to the downstream exit

I am in the middle of preparing to set up the venue. By the way, I stood here as "God.

View upstream from the tunnel to the downstream exit
View upstream from the tunnel to the downstream exit

After the wedding, we'll give you a tour.

After the wedding ceremony was over, a tour of the dam was conducted.

After the wedding, we'll give you a tour.
After the wedding, we'll give you a tour.

corridor connecting an annex to a pond-side building (in traditional palatial-style architecture)

Dry and clean audit corridor.

orifice gate

The orifice gate is also red.

Orifice gate specifications are as follows

Uchikura Dam discharge facility orifice gate
Effective span x effective height: 6.0 x 4.0m
Door body radius: 7.000m
Opening/closing speed (vertical): 0.3 m/min
Door weight: 25.0t
Date of production: December 1972
Production: Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co.

From the local nameplate

I wrote "Orifice Gate," which is exactly how the local nameplate describes it.

air vent (hole)

This is an air hole that is always present in a hollow gravity concrete dam.

air vent (hole)
air vent (hole)

corridor connecting an annex to a pond-side building (in traditional palatial-style architecture)

This is the auditorium at the top of the hollow. I think the "5" meant the fifth hollow counting from either the left or right bank, but I completely forgot💦.

corridor connecting an annex to a pond-side building (in traditional palatial-style architecture)
corridor connecting an annex to a pond-side building (in traditional palatial-style architecture)

Diamond Head Top

This is looking down from the top of Diamond Head. If you tell a stranger that this is the interior of a church, they may not understand.

Diamond Head Top
Diamond Head Top

Out on the downstream side of the left bank.

From inside the dike, go out on the downstream side of the left bank.

Out on the downstream side of the left bank.
Out on the downstream side of the left bank.

View of the levee from downstream on the left bank

The huge structure of the hollow gravity concrete dam stands in front of you. The huge structure of the hollow gravity concrete dam stands before your eyes.

View of the levee from downstream on the left bank
View of the levee from downstream on the left bank

A view of the downstream face of the Uchikura Dam embankment from further downstream

A white discharge from a red crest gate on the sunny stage of a wedding --- as I mentioned at the beginning of this article, I think it is the best situation as it really represents the red and white.

A view of the downstream face of the Uchikura Dam embankment from further downstream
A view of the downstream face of the Uchikura Dam embankment from further downstream

Uchikura Dam discharge animation

The discharge scene is summarized in the video. Please watch it as well.

Uchikura Power Plant Discharge Facilities

The building on the left bank is the discharge facility of Uchikura Power Plant. The photo shows a part of it.

Uchikura Power Plant Discharge Facilities
Uchikura Power Plant Discharge Facilities

Below are the specifications of their facilities.

nameDischarge main valveDischarge sub-valveHydraulic pipeline water control valveWater discharge valve
ModelFixed cone valveHigh-pressure sleuth valveHigh-pressure sleuth valveHigh-pressure sleuth valve
caliberΦ1200mmΦ1500mmΦ1200mm150m dia.
Number of installations1 unit1 unit1 unit1 unit
Opening and closing speed0.05m/min0.05m/min0.10m/min0.10m/min
open/close systemElectric spindle typeElectric spindle typeElectric spindle typeElectric spindle type
Completed: March 1990
Production: Kurimoto Ironworks Co.
Construction: Niigata Kigyo Co.

Temporary drainage tunnel?

Beyond the reduction works, what appears to be a temporary drainage tunnel structure can be seen at the back of the photo.

A view of the force-reducing structure from the left bank on the downstream side

The discharge from the building on the left is from a small discharge valve. This discharge is intended to maintain the river between the Uchikura Power Plant discharge point downstream and the Uchikura Dam.

A view of the force-reducing structure from the left bank on the downstream side
A view of the force-reducing structure from the left bank on the downstream side

Looking up the embankment from just below the left bank

It is an unwanted pleasure to be able to look up at the dam from right below.

Looking up the embankment from just below the left bank
Looking up the embankment from just below the left bank

Elevator shaft

A plumb line is also installed next to the elevator. Still, there is something nice about the exposed elevator shaft of a hollow gravity concrete dam.

Elevator shaft
Elevator shaft

Plumb line and bottom machine room

Here is the plumb line next to the elevator. I should have taken a picture of the top, not the room...

Plumb line and bottom machine room
Plumb line and bottom machine room

lift pressure gauge

A pumping pressure gauge deep inside Uchikura Dam. It was standing quietly in the pitch dark.

lift pressure gauge
lift pressure gauge

Inside the control center

Finally, we toured the inside of the control center. We used the controller to see our fellow enthusiasts on the monitor (laugh).

Inside the control center
Inside the control center

It was a great honor to be able to attend this unique event, a wedding inside the embankment of a hollow gravity concrete dam. And I even played the role of "god"! The scene of the event is uploaded on Niigata Prefecture's web page, if you can just get a feel for it...!

【新発田】内の倉ダムで結婚式が行われました - 新潟県ホームページ
A wedding ceremony was held at Uchikura Dam by dam enthusiasts.

The Uchikura Dam has a lot to offer. Individuals with five or more people can visit the inside of the dam on weekdays by making a reservation in advance, so if you have a chance, please do so. The inside of the embankment as well as the downstream area are especially recommended!

Uchikura Dam Specifications

Location3155 Ashimasawa, Odo, Shinbata City, Niigata Prefecture
River NameKajikawa River SystemRiver Uchikuraour (our) family
ObjectiveF (flood control, agricultural disaster prevention)
A (irrigation water)
W(Water for water supply)
P(Power generation)
ModelHG(Hollow Gravity Concrete Dam)
Bank height82.5m
Bank length166m
Dam volume216,000 m3
Watershed Area47.5 km2
Reservoir area100 ha
Total storage capacity24,800,000 m3
Effective water storage capacity22,200,000 m3
Dam operatorHokuriku Agricultural Administration Bureau
Main body constructorset of staggered shelves
Year of launch1959
Year Completed1973
Name of Dam LakeLake Uchikurawarehouse within a building complex

Other facilities/observations

Parking lot
PR Exhibition Hall×
Fishing○○ (excluding no-take zones)

Map around Uchikura Dam

Weather around Uchikura Dam

Actual accommodations

Tsukioka New Hotelfirst lunar monthIt was "The Hotel Area One Group," but in April 2018, it joined the Hotel Area One Group and changed its name.

This article was written by.
Shin Jinma

Dam enthusiast who loves Momosuke Fukuzawa / Dampedia and Dam News administrator / Certified Dammeister (01-018) by the Japan Dam Foundation / Started selling discharge caution goods.

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